【11g新特性】sec_max_failed_login_attempts (默认为10,范围为1到unlimited)这个参数以11g 新特性形式引入, 文档对它的描述是
specifies the number of authentication attempts that can be made by a client on a connection to the server process. After the specified number of failure attempts, the connection will be automatically dropped by the server process.
但是有同学怎么测试都无法生效, 实际该参数只对使用了OCI 的特定程序生效,而使用SQLPLUS是无法生效的, 坑爹的新特性:
SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS only works application uses OCI Program.SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS not work in sqlplus.
OCI Program have the following ,it wil work.
1.You need to use OCI_THREADED mode.
2.You need to set the attribute ofserver, username, password attributes in the appropriate handles:
3.You need to useOCISessionBegin to connect to the database
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