lmd0 trace: *** 2010-01-16 11:02:58.106 DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x10b0005][0xeb5],[TX] ----------resource 0x70000044a76e1a0---------------------- resname : [0x10b0005][0xeb5],[TX] Local node : 1 dir_node : 1 master_node : 1 hv idx : 25 hv last r.inc : 0 current inc : 20 hv status : 0 hv master : 0 open options : dd grant_bits : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX grant mode : KJUSERNL KJUSERCR KJUSERCW KJUSERPR KJUSERPW KJUSEREX count : 1 0 0 0 0 1 val_state : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE valblk : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 . access_node : 1 vbreq_state : 0 state : x0 resp : 70000044a76e1a0 On Scan_q? : N Total accesses: 15061 Imm. accesses: 12545 Granted_locks : 1 Cvting_locks : 1 value_block: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GRANTED_Q : lp 700000488546990 gl KJUSEREX rp 70000044a76e1a0 [0x10b0005][0xeb5],[TX] master 1 gl owner 70000048dd08220 possible pid 2928930 xid 2033-0333-0026D22C bast 0 rseq 215 mseq 0 history 0x14951495 open opt KJUSERDEADLOCK CONVERT_Q: lp 700000488546ae0 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 70000044a76e1a0 [0x10b0005][0xeb5],[TX] master 1 gl owner 70000048ee0ed48 possible pid 2040272 xid 2006-0066-0006F888 bast 0 rseq 215 mseq 0 history 0x1495149a convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE KJUSERTRCCANCEL ----------enqueue 0x700000488546990------------------------ lock version : 2242641 Owner node : 1 grant_level : KJUSEREX req_level : KJUSEREX bast_level : KJUSERNL notify_func : 0 resp : 70000044a76e1a0 procp : 70000048928b8f0 pid : 2040272 proc version : 40135 oprocp : 0 opid : 0 group lock owner : 70000048dd08220 possible pid : 2928930 xid : 2033-0333-0026D22C dd_time : 0.0 secs dd_count : 0 timeout : 0.0 secs On_timer_q? : N On_dd_q? : N lock_state : GRANTED Open Options : KJUSERDEADLOCK Convert options : KJUSERNOQUEUE History : 0x14951495 Msg_Seq : 0x0 res_seq : 215 valblk : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 . DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for TIMEOUT possible owner[819.2928930] on resource TX-010B0005-00000EB5 Submitting asynchronized dump request [28] pmon trace: *** SESSION ID:(3384.1) 2010-01-16 11:00:11.349 [claim lock for dead process][lp 0x7000004870f7078][p 0x7000004891a79e0.2928930][hist x49514951] [claim lock for dead process][lp 0x700000488546990][p 0x70000048928b8f0.0][hist x49514951] <<<< note:this message@2010-01-16 12:35 pmon trace: *** 2010-01-16 11:02:58.244 Dump requested by process [orapid=6] REQUEST:custom dump [2] with parameters [6][819][2][2] . process info of pid[819.2928930] requested by pid[6.3621092] Dumping process 819.2928930 info: *** 2010-01-16 11:02:58.244 Dumping diagnostic information for ospid 2928930: OS pid = 2928930 loadavg : 10.83 10.96 10.91 swap info: free_mem = 21646.73M rsv = 128.00M alloc = 235.52M avail = 32768.00M swap_free = 32532.48M F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN STIME TTY TIME CMD 240001 A orauser 2928930 1 120 120 20 6da7bd510 174068 10:35:28 - 1:50 oracleCRMDB22 (LOCAL=NO) open: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action. procstack: write(/proc/2928930/ctl): The requested resource is busy. 2928930: oracleCRMDB22 (LOCAL=NO)
lmd0进程的trace文件显示该进程发现了本地存在阻塞超时的问题,[0x10b0005][0xeb5],[TX]资源的拥有者是2928930进程,而pmon进程认为2928930进程可能出于僵死状态,故希望RAC中的diag进程能对该进程做进一步的诊断,diag进程受到pmon的邀请”Dump requested by process [orapid=6]”,尝试”Dumping process 819.2928930 info:”,并利用AIX上的procstack调试工具分析此进程当时的调用栈,但出现了”procstack: write(/proc/2928930/ctl): The requested resource is busy”的错误,在网上搜索该记录的相关信息发现可能是AIX上procstack工具的一个Bug,而跟实例挂起问题关系不大:
Problem summary
* Users of the procstac command on the 5300-09 Technology Level
* with the bos.perf.proctools fileset at the and
* levels.
* The procstac command fails with an error similar to:
* open: Permission denied
* procstack: write(/proc/2068724/ctl): Device busy
* Install APAR IZ47903.
Problem conclusion
*Modified the code to fix this problelm.
diag进程的跟踪文件还显示2928930进程持有redo copy latch;这个case发生后的一个礼拜恰好有Oracle原厂工程师到该客户单位做巡检,原厂工程师查看了实例挂起期间的ASH报告,发现该时段内实例中redo相关的等待频繁发生,基本可以认定是僵死进程持有”redo copy latch”造成了RAC中单实例hang住。
原厂工程师的结论令客户比较满意,这个case基本可以结束了。但我对这个结论并不完全认同,2928930进程持有的redo copy latch是一个子栓,该类子栓在实例上的总数取决于CPU总数,一般来说等于CPU * 2;该实例所在服务器为IBM的p595配有32个cpu,redo copy latch共有64个,单单一个子栓被hold住会造成整个实例都hang住,且登录挂起吗?
SQL> show parameter cpu_count NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ cpu_count integer 32 SQL> select count(*) from v$latch_children where name='redo copy'; COUNT(*) ---------- 64 /*我们在非生产环境测试一下*/ select addr "十六进制地址", to_number(addr, 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') "十进制地址", gets, misses, immediate_gets, immediate_misses from v$latch_children where name = 'redo copy'; 十六进制 十进制地址 GETS MISSES IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- 2DAB5898 766204056 7 0 0 0 2DAB5818 766203928 5 0 0 0 2DAB5798 766203800 5 0 0 0 2DAB5718 766203672 5 0 0 0 2DAB5698 766203544 5 0 0 0 2DAB5618 766203416 5 0 0 0 2DAB5598 766203288 5 0 511 0 2DAB5518 766203160 5 0 297024 347 8 rows selected. /*正式测试前的redo copy child latch统计信息,我们还要用到这里的十进制latch地址*/ /*我们尝试手动hold住一个redo copy child latch,并在其他会话中执行一些产生redo的操作*/ session A: SQL> oradebug setmypid; Statement processed. SQL> oradebug call kslgetl 766203160 1; Function returned 1 /* kslgetl是Oracle内部用get latch的函数,oradebug 可以调用该函数*/ session B: SQL> select * From v$latchholder; PID SID LADDR NAME GETS ---------- ---------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 22 136 2DAB5518 redo copy 297443 另外开三个session,执行一下批量插入数据的匿名块,测试redo是否能够正常产生: begin for i in 1 .. 90000 loop insert into tv values (i, i, i); commit; end loop; end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. session A: SQL> oradebug call kslfre 766203160 1; Function returned 2FD548E0 /*手动释放766203160对应的redo copy 子闩*/ select addr "十六进制地址", to_number(addr, 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') "十进制地址", gets, misses, immediate_gets, immediate_misses from v$latch_children where name = 'redo copy'; 十六进制 十进制地址 GETS MISSES IMMEDIATE_GETS IMMEDIATE_MISSES -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------------- 2DAB5898 766204056 7 0 0 0 2DAB5818 766203928 5 0 0 0 2DAB5798 766203800 5 0 0 0 2DAB5718 766203672 5 0 745 0 2DAB5698 766203544 5 0 122370 5 2DAB5618 766203416 5 0 176712 5 2DAB5598 766203288 5 0 144441 6 2DAB5518 766203160 6 0 297443 373 /*可以看到虽然8个子闩中一个被手动hold住,但对实例的影响远不足以到达hang所需要的条件*/
虽然能证明单个redo copy latch被僵死进程长期持有和实例hang住没有必然的因果联系,但因为缺少相关的systemstate和hanganalyze转储信息,我们也无法进一步做出推断。
这个case发生后的几个月,我无意中在MOS上发现了以下Bug note:
Diagnostic collection may hang or crash the instance
DescriptionSometimes while the DIAG process is collecting diagnostics
the database may hang or crash.
This is more likely to occur in a RAC or ASM environment .You may be seeing this problem if the database crashes or hangs just
after you see the following text in a trace file:
“Dumping diagnostic information for X”
where X is the process that hung or terminated.This fix replaces invokations of a port specific OS debugger
(like gdb) with Oracle ORADEBUG calls to gather the required
For HP Itanium fixes for this issue in use bug 8767023
instead of this bug#.For AIX fixes for this issue in use bug 8929701
instead of this bug#.Workaround
>= only: Set init.ora parameter “_ksb_disable_diagpid” = TRUE
but this will disable automatic diagnostics collection.
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