Oracle Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update April 2011 Released

2011 April的Oracle Patch set Update与Critical Patch Update发布了,本次发布包括了对Oracle Database Server, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, Oracle E-Business Suite and Supply Chain Products Suite, Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise, and Oracle JDEdwards EntepriseOne, Oracle Siebel CRM, Oracle Industry Applications, Oracle Sun products suite, and Oracle OpenOffice Suite等多个产品的补丁更新。


  1. Database上的CPU Patch 11724984, or PSU Patch 11724916
  2. Database上的CPU Patch 11724991, or PSU Patch 11724930
  3. Database上的CPU Patch 11724999, or PSU Patch 11724936
  4. Database上的CPU Patch 11725006, or PSU Patch 11724962
  5. Database上的CPU Patch 11725015, or PSU Patch 11724977






4 responses to “Oracle Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update April 2011 Released”

  1. admin Avatar

    Patch 11724916 – Patch Set Update
    1 Patch Information

    Patch Set Update (PSU) patches are cumulative. That is, the content of all previous PSUs is included in the latest PSU patch.

    PSU includes the fixes listed in Section 7, “Bugs Fixed by This Patch”.

    To install the PSU patch, the Oracle home must have the Database installed. Subsequent PSU patches can be installed on Oracle Database or any PSU with a lower 5th numeral version than the one being installed.

    Table 1 describes installation types and security content. For each installation type, it indicates the most recent PSU patch to include new security fixes that are pertinent to that installation type. If there are no security fixes to be applied to an installation type, then “None” is indicated. If a specific PSU is listed, then apply that or any later PSU patch to be current with security fixes.

    Table 1 Installation Types and Security Content
    Installation Type Latest PSU with Security Fixes

    Server homes


    Grid Infrastructure home

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Client-Only Installations

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Instant Client Installations


    (The Instant Client installation is not the same as the client-only Installation. For additional information about Instant Client installations, see Oracle Database Concepts.)

    2 Prerequisites

    This section includes the following section:

    Section 2.1, “OPatch Utility”

    2.1 OPatch Utility

    You must use the OPatch utility version or later to apply this patch. Oracle recommends that you use the latest released OPatch 11.2, which is available for download from My Oracle Support patch 6880880 by selecting the release.

    For information about OPatch documentation, including any known issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.
    3 Installation

    These instructions are for all Oracle Database installations.

    Section 3.1, “Patch Pre-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.3, “Patch Post-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.4, “Patch Post-Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home”

    3.1 Patch Pre-Installation Instructions

    Before you install PSU, perform the following actions to check the environment and to detect and resolve any one-off patch conflicts.
    3.1.1 Environments with Grid Infrastructure

    If you are installing the PSU to an environment that has a Grid Infrastructure home, note the following:

    Grid Infrastructure PSU <> should be applied to the Grid Infrastructure home and Database home using the readme instructions provided with the patch.

    3.1.2 Environment Checks

    Ensure that the $PATH definition has the following executables: make, ar, ld, and nm.

    The location of these executables depends on your operating system. On many operating systems, they are located in /usr/ccs/bin, in which case you can set your PATH definition as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin

    3.1.3 One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution

    For an introduction to the PSU one-off patch concepts, see “Patch Set Updates Patch Conflict Resolution” in My Oracle Support Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products.

    The fastest and easiest way to determine whether you have one-off patches in the Oracle home that conflict with the PSU, and to get the necessary conflict resolution patches, is to use the Patch Recommendations and Patch Plans features on the Patches & Updates tab in My Oracle Support. These features work in conjunction with the My Oracle Support Configuration Manager. Recorded training sessions on these features can be found in Note 603505.1.

    However, if you are not using My Oracle Support Patch Plans, follow these steps:

    Determine whether any currently installed one-off patches conflict with the PSU patch as follows:

    opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir ./11724916

    The report will indicate the patches that conflict with PSU 11724916 and the patches for which PSU 11724916 is a superset.

    Note that Oracle proactively provides PSU one-off patches for common conflicts.

    Use My Oracle Support Note 1061295.1 Patch Set Updates – One-off Patch Conflict Resolution to determine, for each conflicting patch, whether a conflict resolution patch is already available, and if you need to request a new conflict resolution patch or if the conflict may be ignored.

    When all the one-off patches that you have requested are available at My Oracle Support, proceed with Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”.

    3.2 Patch Installation Instructions

    Follow these steps:

    If you are using a Data Guard Physical Standby database, you must install this patch on both the primary database and the physical standby database, as described by My Oracle Support Note 278641.1.

    Do one of the following, depending on whether this is a RAC environment:

    If this is a RAC environment, choose one of the patch installation methods provided by OPatch (rolling, all node, or minimum downtime), and shutdown instances and listeners as appropriate for the installation method selected.

    This PSU patch is rolling RAC installable. Refer to My Oracle Support Note 244241.1 Rolling Patch – OPatch Support for RAC.

    If this is not a RAC environment, shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Set your current directory to the directory where the patch is located and then run the OPatch utility by entering the following commands:

    cd 11724916
    opatch apply

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.3 Patch Post-Installation Instructions

    After installing the patch, perform the following actions:

    Apply conflict resolution patches as explained in Section 3.3.1.

    Load modified SQL files into the database, as explained in Section 3.3.2.

    3.3.1 Applying Conflict Resolution Patches

    Apply the patch conflict resolution one-off patches that were determined to be needed when you performed the steps in Section 3.1.3, “One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution”.
    3.3.2 Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database

    The following steps load modified SQL files into the database. For a RAC environment, perform these steps on only one node.

    For each database instance running on the Oracle home being patched, connect to the database using SQL*Plus. Connect as SYSDBA and run the catbundle.sql script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle.sql psu apply

    The catbundle.sql execution is reflected in the dba_registry_history view by a row associated with bundle series PSU.

    For information about the catbundle.sql script, see My Oracle Support Note 605795.1 Introduction to Oracle Database catbundle.sql.

    Check the following log files in $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/catbundle for any errors:


    where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.4 Patch Post-Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home

    These instructions are for a database that is created or upgraded after the installation of PSU

    You must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” for any new database only if it was created by any of the following methods:

    Using DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) to select a sample database (General, Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing)

    Using a script that was created by DBCA that creates a database from a sample database

    There are no actions required for databases that have been upgraded.
    4 Deinstallation

    These instructions apply if you need to deinstall the patch.

    Section 4.1, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.2, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.3, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    Section 4.4, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    4.1 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Verify that an $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql file exists for each database associated with this ORACLE_HOME. If this is not the case, you must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” against the database before deinstalling the PSU.

    Shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724916

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.2 Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Start all database instances running from the Oracle home. (For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.)

    For each database instance running out of the ORACLE_HOME, connect to the database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and run the rollback script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql

    In a RAC environment, the name of the rollback script will have the format catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql.

    Check the log file for any errors. The log file is found in $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/catbundle and is named catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK_.log where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.3 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow these steps for each node in the cluster, one node at a time:

    Shut down the instance on the node.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724916

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    Start the instance on the node as follows:

    srvctl start instance

    4.4 Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow the instructions listed in Section Section 4.2, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment” only on the node for which the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were executed during the patch application.

    All other instances can be started and accessed as usual while you are executing the deinstallation steps.
    5 Known Issues

    For information about OPatch issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.

    For issues documented after the release of this PSU, see My Oracle Support Note 1291879.1 Oracle Database Patch Set Update Known Issues.

    Other known issues are as follows.

    Issue 1

    The following ignorable errors may be encountered while running the catbundle.sql script or its rollback script:

    ORA-29809: cannot drop an operator with dependent objects
    ORA-29931: specified association does not exist
    ORA-29830: operator does not exist
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01435: user does not exist
    ORA-01917: user or role ‘XDB’ does not exist
    ORA-01920: user name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01921: role name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01952: system privileges not granted to ‘WKSYS’
    ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
    ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint
    ORA-04043: object does not exist
    ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes
    ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified
    ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
    ORA-06512: at line . If this error follow any of above errors, then can be safely ignored.
    ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant

    6 References

    The following documents are references for this patch.

    Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list

    Note 360870.1 Impact of Java Security Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products

    Note 468959.1 Enterprise Manager Grid Control Known Issues

    Note 11724916.8 Bug 11724916 – Patch Set Update (PSU)
    7 Bugs Fixed by This Patch

    This patch includes the following bug fixes.
    7.1 CPU Molecules

    CPU molecules in PSU

    PSU contains the following new PSU molecules:

    11830776 – DB-

    11830777 – DB-

    11830778 – DB-
    7.2 Bug Fixes

    PSU contains all fixes previously released in PSU and the following new fixes:

    Automatic Storage Management

    10084145 – dbmv2: ora-600 [1427] mounting diskgroup after all cells restarted

    10094201 – disk offline is slow

    10102506 – disk resync takes a long time even with no stale extents

    10222719 – dbmv2: asm instance hangs with rbal process waits on “no free buffer”

    10227288 – dg forcibly dismounted after one fg lost due to “could not read pst for grp 4”

    10228151 – asm diskgroups not getting mounted

    10230571 – tb:x:reboot one cell node, rbal hit ora-600[17183]

    10245086 – ora-01210 during create tablespace

    10299224 – tb:x:pivoting an extent on an offline disk can cause stale xmaps in rdbms

    10329146 – marking different sr bits from multiple dbws can cause a lost write

    10332589 – tb:x:mount normal redundancy dg, failed with ora-00600:[kfcinitrq20]

    10356513 – disk offlined with non zero timeout expelled immediately

    11067567 – 11202_gibtwo: kept generating “elapsed time did not advance ” in asm alert log

    Buffer Cache Management

    9651350 – ora-00308 and ora-27037 when ora-8103 without event 10736 been set

    10110863 – trace files is still generated after applying patch:9651350

    10205230 – tb_x64: hit ora-00600: [kclwcrs_6]

    10332111 – sql running long in active standby


    9591812 – incorrect wait events in 11.2 (“cursor: mutex s” instead of “cursor: mutex x”)

    9905049 – ebr: ora-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kqlhdlod-bad-base-objn]

    10052141 – exadata database crash with ora-7445 [_wordcopy_bwd_dest_aligned] and ora-600 [2

    10052956 – ora-7445 [kjtdq()+176]

    10157402 – lob segment has null data after long to lob conversion in parallel mode

    10187168 – obsolete parent cursors if version count exceeds a threshold

    10217802 – alter user rename raises ora-4030

    10229719 – qrmp:12.2:ora-07445 while performing complete database import on solaris sparc

    10264680 – incorrect version_number reported after patch for 10187168 applied

    10411618 – add different wait schemes for mutex waits

    11069199 – ora-600 [kksobsoletecursor:invalid stub] quering pq when pq is disabled

    11818335 – additional changes when wait schemes for mutex waits is disabled

    High Availability

    10018789 – dbmv2-bigbh:spin in kgllock caused db hung and high library cache lock

    10129643 – appsst gsi11g m9000: ksim generic wait event

    10170431 – ctwr consuming lots of cpu cycles

    10190642 – sageetl_dbmv: ora-00600: [1433] followed by instance crash with asm on exadata

    Oracle Space Management

    6523037 – et11.1dl: ora-600 [kddummy_blkchk] [6110] on update

    9724970 – pdml fails with ora-600 [4511]. ora-600 [kdblkcheckerror] by block check

    10218814 – dbmv2: ora-00600:[3020] data block corruption on standby

    10219576 – ora-600 [ktsl_allocate_disp-fragment]

    Oracle Virtual Operating System Services

    10127360 – dg4msql size increasing to 1.5gb after procedure executed 250 times

    Oracle Transaction Management

    10358019 – invalid results from flashback_transaction_query after applying patch:10322043

    Oracle Utilities

    10373381 – ora-600 [kkpo_rcinfo_defstg:objnotfound] after rerunning catupgrd.sql

    Server Manageability

    11699057 – ora-00001: unique constraint (sys.wri$_sqlset_plans_tocap_pk) violated

  2. admin Avatar

    Patch 11724930 – Patch Set Update

    1 Patch Information

    Patch Set Update (PSU) patches are cumulative. That is, the content of all previous PSUs is included in the latest PSU patch.

    PSU includes the fixes listed in Section 7, “Bugs Fixed by This Patch”.

    To install the PSU patch, the Oracle home must have the Database installed. Subsequent PSU patches can be installed on Oracle Database or any PSU with a lower 5th numeral version than the one being installed.

    Table 1 describes installation types and security content. For each installation type, it indicates the most recent PSU patch to include new security fixes that are pertinent to that installation type. If there are no security fixes to be applied to an installation type, then “None” is indicated. If a specific PSU is listed, then apply that or any later PSU patch to be current with security fixes.

    Table 1 Installation Types and Security Content
    Installation Type Latest PSU with Security Fixes

    Server homes


    Grid Infrastructure home

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Client-Only Installations

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Instant Client Installations


    (The Instant Client installation is not the same as the client-only Installation. For additional information about Instant Client installations, see Oracle Database Concepts.)

    2 Prerequisites

    This section includes the following section:

    Section 2.1, “OPatch Utility”

    2.1 OPatch Utility

    You must use the OPatch utility version or later to apply this patch. Oracle recommends that you use the latest released OPatch 11.2, which is available for download from My Oracle Support patch 6880880 by selecting the release.

    For information about OPatch documentation, including any known issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.
    3 Installation

    These instructions are for all Oracle Database installations.

    Section 3.1, “Patch Pre-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.3, “Patch Post-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.4, “Patch Post-Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home”

    3.1 Patch Pre-Installation Instructions

    Before you install PSU, perform the following actions to check the environment and to detect and resolve any one-off patch conflicts.
    3.1.1 Environments with Grid Infrastructure

    If you are installing the PSU to an environment that has a Grid Infrastructure home, note the following:

    Database PSU should only be applied to the Database home using the instructions contained in this readme. Grid Infrastructure PSU <> should be applied to the Grid Infrastructure home using the readme instructions provided with that patch.

    3.1.2 Environments with ASM

    If you are installing the PSU to an environment that has Automatic Storage Management (ASM), note the following:

    For Linux x86 and Linux x86-64 platforms, install either (A) the bug fix for 8898852 to the Grid home and the Database PSU patch 11724930 to the Database home, or (B) the Grid Infrastructure PSU patch 9655006.

    For all other platforms, no action is required. The fix for 8898852 was included in the base release.

    3.1.3 Environment Checks

    Ensure that the $PATH definition has the following executables: make, ar, ld, and nm.

    The location of these executables depends on your operating system. On many operating systems, they are located in /usr/ccs/bin, in which case you can set your PATH definition as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin

    3.1.4 One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution

    For an introduction to the PSU one-off patch concepts, see “Patch Set Updates Patch Conflict Resolution” in My Oracle Support Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products.

    The fastest and easiest way to determine whether you have one-off patches in the Oracle home that conflict with the PSU, and to get the necessary conflict resolution patches, is to use the Patch Recommendations and Patch Plans features on the Patches & Updates tab in My Oracle Support. These features work in conjunction with the My Oracle Support Configuration Manager. Recorded training sessions on these features can be found in Note 603505.1.

    However, if you are not using My Oracle Support Patch Plans, follow these steps:

    Determine whether any currently installed one-off patches conflict with the PSU patch as follows:

    opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir ./11724930

    The report will indicate the patches that conflict with PSU 11724930 and the patches for which PSU 11724930 is a superset.

    Note that Oracle proactively provides PSU one-off patches for common conflicts.

    Use My Oracle Support Note 1061295.1 Patch Set Updates – One-off Patch Conflict Resolution to determine, for each conflicting patch, whether a conflict resolution patch is already available, and if you need to request a new conflict resolution patch or if the conflict may be ignored.

    When all the one-off patches that you have requested are available at My Oracle Support, proceed with Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”.

    3.2 Patch Installation Instructions

    Follow these steps:

    If you are using a Data Guard Physical Standby database, you must install this patch on both the primary database and the physical standby database, as described by My Oracle Support Note 278641.1.

    Do one of the following, depending on whether this is a RAC environment:

    If this is a RAC environment, choose one of the patch installation methods provided by OPatch (rolling, all node, or minimum downtime), and shutdown instances and listeners as appropriate for the installation method selected.

    This PSU patch is rolling RAC installable. Refer to My Oracle Support Note 244241.1 Rolling Patch – OPatch Support for RAC.

    If this is not a RAC environment, shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Set your current directory to the directory where the patch is located and then run the OPatch utility by entering the following commands:

    cd 11724930
    opatch apply

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.3 Patch Post-Installation Instructions

    After installing the patch, perform the following actions:

    Apply conflict resolution patches as explained in Section 3.3.1.

    Load modified SQL files into the database, as explained in Section 3.3.2.

    3.3.1 Applying Conflict Resolution Patches

    Apply the patch conflict resolution one-off patches that were determined to be needed when you performed the steps in Section 3.1.4, “One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution”.
    3.3.2 Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database

    The following steps load modified SQL files into the database. For a RAC environment, perform these steps on only one node.

    For each database instance running on the Oracle home being patched, connect to the database using SQL*Plus. Connect as SYSDBA and run the catbundle.sql script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle.sql psu apply

    The catbundle.sql execution is reflected in the dba_registry_history view by a row associated with bundle series PSU.

    For information about the catbundle.sql script, see My Oracle Support Note 605795.1 Introduction to Oracle Database catbundle.sql.

    Check the following log files in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle for any errors:


    where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.4 Patch Post-Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home

    These instructions are for a database that is created or upgraded after the installation of PSU

    You must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” for any new database only if it was created by any of the following methods:

    Using DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) to select a sample database (General, Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing)

    Using a script that was created by DBCA that creates a database from a sample database

    There are no actions required for databases that have been upgraded.
    4 Deinstallation

    These instructions apply if you need to deinstall the patch.

    Section 4.1, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.2, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.3, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    Section 4.4, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    4.1 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Verify that an $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql file exists for each database associated with this ORACLE_HOME. If this is not the case, you must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” against the database before deinstalling the PSU.

    Shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724930

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.2 Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Start all database instances running from the Oracle home. (For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.)

    For each database instance running out of the ORACLE_HOME, connect to the database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and run the rollback script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql

    In a RAC environment, the name of the rollback script will have the format catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql.

    Check the log file for any errors. The log file is found in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle and is named catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK_.log where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.3 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow these steps for each node in the cluster, one node at a time:

    Shut down the instance on the node.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724930

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    Start the instance on the node as follows:

    srvctl start instance

    4.4 Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow the instructions listed in Section Section 4.2, “Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment” only on the node for which the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were executed during the patch application.

    All other instances can be started and accessed as usual while you are executing the deinstallation steps.
    5 Known Issues

    For information about OPatch issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.

    For issues documented after the release of this PSU, see My Oracle Support Note 1291846.1 Oracle Database Patch Set Update Known Issues.

    Other known issues are as follows.

    Issue 1

    The following ignorable errors may be encountered while running the catbundle.sql script or its rollback script:

    ORA-29809: cannot drop an operator with dependent objects
    ORA-29931: specified association does not exist
    ORA-29830: operator does not exist
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01435: user does not exist
    ORA-01917: user or role ‘XDB’ does not exist
    ORA-01920: user name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01921: role name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01952: system privileges not granted to ‘WKSYS’
    ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
    ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint
    ORA-04043: object does not exist
    ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes
    ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified
    ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
    ORA-06512: at line . If this error follow any of above errors, then can be safely ignored.
    ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant

    6 References

    The following documents are references for this patch.

    Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list

    Note 360870.1 Impact of Java Security Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products

    Note 468959.1 Enterprise Manager Grid Control Known Issues

    Note 11724930.8 Bug 11724930 – Patch Set Update (PSU)
    7 Bugs Fixed by This Patch

    This patch includes the following bug fixes.
    7.1 CPU Molecules

    CPU molecules in PSU

    PSU contains all molecules previously released in PSU and the following new PSU molecules:

    11794163 – DB-

    11794164 – DB-

    11794165 – DB-

    11794167 – DB-
    7.2 Bug Fixes

    PSU contains all fixes previously released in PSU and no new non-security fixes.

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    Patch 11724962 – Patch Set Update

    1 Patch Information

    Patch Set Update (PSU) patches are cumulative. That is, the content of all previous PSUs is included in the latest PSU patch.

    PSU includes all fixes previously included in PSU and those listed in Section 7, “Bugs Fixed by This Patch”.

    To install the PSU patch, the Oracle home must have the Database installed. Subsequent PSU patches can be installed on Oracle Database or any PSU with a lower 5th numeral version than the one being installed.

    Table 1 describes installation types and security content. For each installation type, it indicates the most recent PSU patch to include new security fixes that are pertinent to that installation type. If there are no security fixes to be applied to an installation type, then “None” is indicated. If a specific PSU is listed, then apply that or any later PSU patch to be current with security fixes.

    Table 1 Installation Types and Security Content
    Installation Type Latest PSU with Security Fixes

    Server homes


    Client-Only Installations

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Instant Client Installations


    (The Instant Client installation is not the same as the client-only Installation. For additional information about Instant Client installations, see Oracle Database Concepts.)

    ASM (Automatic Storage Management) homes


    CRS (Cluster Ready Services) homes


    2 Prerequisites

    This section includes the following section:

    Section 2.1, “OPatch Utility”

    2.1 OPatch Utility

    You must use the OPatch 10.2 version or later to apply this patch. Oracle recommends that you use the latest released OPatch 10.2, which is available for download from My Oracle Support patch 6880880 by selecting the release.

    For information about OPatch documentation, including any known issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.
    3 Installation

    These instructions are for both non-RAC environments and RAC environments.

    Section 3.1, “Patch Pre-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.3, “Post Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.4, “Post Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home”

    3.1 Patch Pre-Installation Instructions

    Before you install PSU, perform the following actions to check the environment and to detect and resolve any one-off patch conflicts.
    3.1.1 Environment Checks

    Ensure that the $PATH definition has the following executables: make, ar, ld, and nm.

    The location of these executables depends on your operating system. On many operating systems, they are located in /usr/ccs/bin, in which case you can set your PATH definition as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin

    3.1.2 One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution

    For an introduction to the PSU one-off patch concepts, see “Patch Set Updates Patch Conflict Resolution” in My Oracle Support Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products.

    The fastest and easiest way to determine whether you have one-off patches in the Oracle home that conflict with the PSU, and to get the necessary conflict resolution patches, is to use the Patch Recommendations and Patch Plans features on the Patches & Updates tab in My Oracle Support. These features work in conjunction with the My Oracle Support Configuration Manager. Recorded training sessions on these features can be found in Note 603505.1.

    However, if you are not using My Oracle Support Patch Plans, follow these steps:

    Determine whether any currently installed one-off patches conflict with the PSU patch as follows:

    opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir ./11724962

    The report will indicate the patches that conflict with PSU 11724962 and the patches for which PSU 11724962 is a superset. Refer to “Patch Set Updates Patch Conflict Resolution” in My Oracle Support Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products.

    Note that Oracle proactively provides PSU one-off patches for common conflicts.

    Use My Oracle Support Note 1061295.1 Patch Set Updates – One-off Patch Conflict Resolution to determine, for each conflicting patch, whether a conflict resolution patch is already available, and if you need to request a new conflict resolution patch or if the conflict may be ignored

    When all the PSU one-off patches that you have requested are available at My Oracle Support, proceed with Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”.

    3.2 Patch Installation Instructions

    Follow these steps:

    If you are using a Data Guard Physical Standby database, you must install this patch on both the primary database and the physical standby database, as described by My Oracle Support Note 278641.1.

    If you are patching an ASM instance, shut down all Oracle Database instances that use this ASM instance. (To see which Oracle Database instances are connected to this ASM instance, query the V$ASM_CLIENT view.)

    Do one of the following, depending on whether this is a RAC environment:

    If this is a RAC environment, choose one of the patch installation methods provided by OPatch (rolling, all node, or minimum downtime), and shutdown instances and listeners as appropriate for the installation method selected.

    This PSU patch is rolling RAC installable. Refer to My Oracle Support Note 244241.1 Rolling Patch – OPatch Support for RAC.

    If this is not a RAC environment, shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Set your current directory to the directory where the patch is located and then run the OPatch utility by entering the following commands:

    cd 11724962
    opatch apply

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.3 Post Installation Instructions

    Do not perform the operations in this section on ASM instances. However, if you shut down ASM as part of applying the PSU, you must start ASM instances before you can perform any of the actions in this section on any database instances.

    After installing the patch, perform the following actions:

    Apply conflict resolution patches as explained in Section 3.3.1.

    Load modified SQL files into the database, as explained in Section 3.3.2.

    3.3.1 Applying Conflict Resolution Patches

    Apply the patch conflict resolution one-off patches that were determined to be needed when you performed the steps in Section 3.1.2, “One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution”.
    3.3.2 Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database

    The following steps load modified SQL files into the database. For a RAC environment, perform these steps on only one node.

    For each database instance running on the Oracle home being patched, connect to the database using SQL*Plus. Connect as SYSDBA and run the catbundle.sql script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle.sql psu apply

    For information about the catbundle.sql script, see My Oracle Support Note 605795.1 Introduction to Oracle Database catbundle.sql.

    Check the following log files in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle for any errors:


    where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.4 Post Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home

    These instructions are for a database that is created or upgraded after the installation of PSU

    You must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” for any new database only if it was created by any of the following methods:

    Using DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) to select a sample database (General, Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing)

    Using a script that was created by DBCA that creates a database from a sample database

    Cloning a database that was created by either of the two preceding methods, and if the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were not executed after PSU was applied

    Upgraded databases do not require any post-installation steps.
    4 Deinstallation

    These instructions are for both Non-RAC environments and RAC environments.

    Section 4.1, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.2, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.3, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    Section 4.4, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    4.1 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Verify that an $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql file exists for each database associated with this ORACLE_HOME. If this is not the case, you must execute the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” against the database before deinstalling the PSU.

    Shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724962

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.2 Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Start all database instances running from the Oracle home. (For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.)

    For each database instance running out of the ORACLE_HOME, connect to the database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and run the rollback script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql

    In a RAC environment, the name of the rollback script will have the format catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK.sql.

    Check the log file for any errors. The log file is found in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle and is named catbundle_PSU__ROLLBACK_.log where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.3 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow these steps for each node in the cluster, one node at a time:

    Shut down the instance on the node. (Shut down all RDBMS instances before any ASM instances.)

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724962

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    Start the instance on the node. Depending on the type of home, enter the following commands or command.

    For ASM homes:

    srvctl start listener
    srvctl start asm
    srvctl start instance

    For RDBMS (non-ASM) homes:

    srvctl start instance

    4.4 Post Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow the instructions listed in Section Section 4.2, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment” only on the node for which the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were executed during the patch application.

    All other instances can be started and accessed as usual while you are executing the deinstallation steps.
    5 Known Issues

    For information about OPatch issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.

    For issues documented after the release of this PSU, see My Oracle Support Note 1291848.1 Oracle Database Patch Set Update Known Issues.

    Other known issues are as follows.

    Issue 1

    The following ignorable errors may be encountered while running the catbundle.sql script or its rollback script:

    ORA-29809: cannot drop an operator with dependent objects
    ORA-29931: specified association does not exist
    ORA-29830: operator does not exist
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01435: user does not exist
    ORA-01917: user or role ‘XDB’ does not exist
    ORA-01920: user name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01921: role name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01952: system privileges not granted to ‘WKSYS’
    ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
    ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint
    ORA-04043: object does not exist
    ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes
    ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified
    ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
    ORA-06512: at line . If this error follow any of above errors, then can be safely ignored.
    ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant

    6 References

    The following documents are references for this patch.

    Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list

    Note 360870.1 Impact of Java Security Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products

    Note 468959.1 Enterprise Manager Grid Control Known Issues

    Note 11724962.8 DATABASE PSU (INCLUDES CPUAPR2010)
    7 Bugs Fixed by This Patch

    This patch includes the following bug fixes.
    7.1 CPU Molecules

    CPU molecules in PSU

    PSU contains all molecules previously released in PSU and the following new PSU molecules:

    10327190 – DB-

    11792865 – DB-
    7.2 Bug Fixes

    PSU contains all fixes previously released in PSU and the following new fixes:

    Automatic Storage Management

    7602341 – 10gr2 instance crashed ora-00600 [kffmunlock_3] with asm


    8865718 – recursive cursors containing “as of snapshot” clause are not shared

    9020537 – dbms_lob.substr truncates lobs in al32utf8

    9150282 – ora-600[kksfbc-reparse-infinite-loop] occur on view after ddl on partition table

    9320130 – ora-04031 for “temporary tabl” on query with star transformation – 2

    9337325 – ora-600 [kqlidpfgr: depobpo] on drop partition

    9548269 – truncate interim table in abort_redef_table

    9770451 – application crashes with ora-00600 [20022]

    10091698 – ora-00600 [17069] when running catupgrd.sql

    10157402 – lob segment has null data after long to lob conversion in parallel mode

    Oracle Space Management

    9024850 – wrong results using ora_rowscn

    9109487 – dbms_space.isdatafiledroppable_name throws numeric overflow

    9390484 – ora-600 [kdimstart:kdignbk-loop] during alter index coalesce

    9659614 – huge ora-8103 trace files generated after patch 7519406 applied

    Oracle Transaction Management

    8771916 – ora-00600 [kdsgrp1] when doing an update

    Operation Virtual Operating System Services

    8211733 – shared pool latch contention on shrink

    8412426 – warning:could not lower the asynch i/o limit to 912 for sql direct i/o

    10010310 – ora-27300: invalid_process_id failed with status: 0; ora-27302: skgpalive1

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    Patch 11724977 – Patch Set Update

    1 Patch Information

    Patch Set Update PSU is an overlay PSU whose base PSU is This patch can only be applied in an Oracle home for which PSU has already been installed.

    PSU is cumulative from PSU Thus, there is no need to install PSU or before installing PSU

    PSU contains the bug fixes listed in Section 7, “Bugs Fixed by This Patch”.

    Table 1 describes installation types and security content. For each installation type, it indicates the most recent PSU patch to include new security fixes that are pertinent to that installation type. If there are no security fixes to be applied to an installation type, then “None” is indicated. If a specific PSU is listed, then apply that or any later PSU patch to be current with security fixes.

    Table 1 Installation Types and Security Content
    Installation Type Latest PSU with Security Fixes

    Server homes


    Client-Only Installations

    PSU for certain configurations. See My Oracle Support Note: 1313771.1 TCPS configurations pertaining to the April 2011 CPU and PSU Patches for further information.

    Instant Client Installations


    (The Instant Client installation is not the same as the client-only Installation. For additional information about Instant Client installations, see Oracle Database Concepts.)

    ASM (Automatic Storage Management) homes


    CRS (Cluster Ready Services) homes


    2 Prerequisites

    This section includes the following section:

    Section 2.1, “OPatch Utility”

    2.1 OPatch Utility

    You must use the OPatch 10.2 version or later to apply this patch. Oracle recommends that you use the latest released OPatch 10.2, which is available for download from My Oracle Support patch 6880880 by selecting the release.

    For information about OPatch documentation, including any known issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.
    3 Installation

    These instructions are for both non-RAC environments and RAC environments.

    Section 3.1, “Patch Pre-Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.2, “Patch Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.3, “Post Installation Instructions”

    Section 3.4, “Post Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home”

    3.1 Patch Pre-Installation Instructions

    Before you install PSU, perform the following actions to check the environment and to detect and resolve any one-off patch conflicts.
    3.1.1 Environment Checks

    Ensure that the $PATH definition has the following executables: make, ar, ld, and nm.

    The location of these executables depends on your operating system. On many operating systems, they are located in /usr/ccs/bin, in which case you can set your PATH definition as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin

    3.1.2 Prerequisite Base Patch Set Update Patch

    PSU is packaged as an overlay patch which requires that the Patch Set Update has been installed. Check that PSU is installed by ensuring that the OPatch inventory includes the PSU tracking bug (9352164).

    If the PSU tracking bug (9352164) is not present in the OPatch inventory, do the following to minimize your downtime:

    Download PSU patch 9352164 and review its readme instructions.

    Perform the One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution for both PSU and PSU That is, you do not need to have PSU installed to do the conflict detection on PSU If there are conflicts, you only need to file one Support Request to get them resolved.

    If PSU (8576156), PSU (8833280), or PSU is installed, an ignorable conflict will be reported with PSU (9952234).

    After conflicts are resolved, install PSU, followed by PSU

    Install any conflict resolution overlay patches.

    Perform the PSU Post-Installation Instructions, followed by the PSU Post-Installation Instructions.

    3.1.3 One-off Patch Conflict Detection and Resolution

    For an introduction to the PSU one-off patch concepts, see “Patch Set Updates Patch Conflict Resolution” in My Oracle Support Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products.

    The fastest and easiest way to determine whether you have one-off patches in the Oracle home that conflict with the PSU, and to get the necessary conflict resolution patches, is to use the Patch Recommendations and Patch Plans features on the Patches & Updates tab in My Oracle Support. These features work in conjunction with the My Oracle Support Configuration Manager. Recorded training sessions on these features can be found in Note 603505.1.

    However, if you are not using My Oracle Support Patch Plans, follow these steps:

    Determine whether any currently installed one-off patches conflict with the PSU patch as follows:

    opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -phBaseDir ./11724977

    The report will indicate the patches that conflict with PSU File a service request (SR) requesting a new merge patch that will replace PSU

    3.2 Patch Installation Instructions

    Follow these steps:

    If you are using a Data Guard Physical Standby database, you must install this patch on both the primary database and the physical standby database, as described by My Oracle Support Note 278641.1.

    If you are patching an ASM instance, shut down all Oracle Database instances that use this ASM instance. (To see which Oracle Database instances are connected to this ASM instance, query the V$ASM_CLIENT view.)

    Do one of the following, depending on whether this is a RAC environment:

    If this is a RAC environment, choose one of the patch installation methods provided by OPatch (rolling, all node, or minimum downtime), and shutdown instances and listeners as appropriate for the installation method selected.

    This PSU patch is rolling RAC installable. Refer to My Oracle Support Note 244241.1 Rolling Patch – OPatch Support for RAC.

    If this is not a RAC environment, shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Set your current directory to the directory where the patch is located and then run the OPatch utility by entering the following commands:

    cd 11724977
    opatch apply

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.3 Post Installation Instructions

    Do not perform the operations in this section on ASM instances. However, if you shut down ASM as part of applying the PSU, you must start ASM instances before you can perform any of the actions in this section on any database instances.

    After installing the patch, perform the following actions:

    Load modified SQL files into the database, as explained in Section 3.3.1.

    Recompile views in the database, if necessary, as explained in Section 3.3.2.

    3.3.1 Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database

    The following steps load modified SQL files into the database. For a RAC environment, perform these steps on only one node.

    For each database instance running on the Oracle home being patched, connect to the database using SQL*Plus. Connect as SYSDBA and run the catbundle.sql script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle.sql opsu apply

    The catbundle.sql execution is reflected in the dba_registry_history view by a row associated with bundle series OPSU.

    For information about the catbundle.sql script, see My Oracle Support Note 605795.1 Introduction to Oracle Database catbundle.sql.

    Check the following log files in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle for any errors:


    where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    3.3.2 Recompiling Views in the Database

    Recompiling views in the database is a one-time action that is required to complete the installation of CPU fixes that were initially released in January, 2008. It requires that the database be in upgrade mode, so this step is not rolling RAC installable. You may defer this step to a later downtime. If you do this, your system will continue to work; however, the installation of the January 2008 CPU fixes will not be complete until the view recompilation is completed.

    Skip this section if you have recompiled views for this database during the installation of a previous PSU or CPU.

    The time required to recompile the views and related objects depends on the total number of objects and on your system configuration. In one internal Oracle test with approximately 2000 views and 4000 objects, the total execution time for view_recompile_jan2008cpu.sql and utlrp.sql was about 30 minutes.

    If you want to check whether view recompilation has already been performed for the database, execute the following statement:

    SELECT * FROM registry$history where ID = ‘6452863’;

    If the view recompilation has been performed, this statement returns one or more rows. If the view recompilation has not been performed, this statement returns no rows.

    The following steps recompile the views in the database. For a RAC environment, perform these steps on only one node.

    Run the pre-check script (so named because it was initially released in CPUJan2008), which reports the maximum number of views and objects that may be recompiled:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/cpu/view_recompile
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @recompile_precheck_jan2008cpu.sql

    The purpose of this step is to help you determine whether view recompilation should be done at the same time as the PSU install, or scheduled later.

    If the database is not in a RAC environment, perform this step and skip the next step. (If the database is in a RAC environment, go to the next step.)

    Run the view recompilation script. Note that this script is run with the database in upgrade mode, which restricts connections as SYSDBA.

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/cpu/view_recompile
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @view_recompile_jan2008cpu.sql

    If the database is in a RAC environment, run the view recompilation script as follows. Note that this script is run with the database in upgrade mode, which restricts connections as SYSDBA. Stop all instances except the one where the view recompilation is being executed.

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/cpu/view_recompile
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @view_recompile_jan2008cpu.sql

    Set the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter to TRUE:


    Restart the database:

    cd $CRS_HOME/bin
    srvctl start database -d

    Check the log file for any errors. The log file is in the current directory and is named: vcomp__.log

    If any invalid objects were reported, run the utlrp.sql script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @utlrp.sql

    Then, manually recompile any invalid objects. For example:

    SQL> alter package schemaname.packagename compile;

    3.4 Post Installation Instructions for Databases Created or Upgraded after Installation of PSU in the Oracle Home

    These instructions are for a database that is created or upgraded after the installation of PSU

    You must execute the steps in Section 3.3.1, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” for any new database only if it was created by any of the following methods:

    Using DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) to select a sample database (General, Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing)

    Using a script that was created by DBCA that creates a database from a sample database

    Cloning a database that was created by either of the two preceding methods, and if the steps in Section 3.3.1, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were not executed after PSU was applied

    Upgraded databases require that you perform the steps in Section 3.3.2, “Recompiling Views in the Database” if these steps have not previously been performed; otherwise, no post-installation steps need to be performed.
    4 Deinstallation

    These instructions are for both Non-RAC environments and RAC environments.

    Section 4.1, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.2, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment”

    Section 4.3, “Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    Section 4.4, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment”

    4.1 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Verify that an $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catbundle_OPSU__ROLLBACK.sql file exists for each database associated with this ORACLE_HOME. If this is not the case, you must execute the steps in Section 3.3.1, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” against the database before deinstalling the PSU.

    Shut down all instances and listeners associated with the Oracle home that you are updating. For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724977

    After the rollback command completes, PSU is deinstalled, but PSU and any of its other overlay patches remain installed in the Oracle home.

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.2 Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment

    Follow these steps:

    Start all database instances running from the Oracle home. (For more information, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.)

    For each database instance running out of the ORACLE_HOME, connect to the database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and run the rollback script as follows:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @catbundle_OPSU__ROLLBACK.sql

    In a RAC environment, the name of the rollback script will have the format catbundle_OPSU__ROLLBACK.sql.

    Check the log file for any errors. The log file is found in $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle and is named catbundle_OPSU__ROLLBACK_.log where TIMESTAMP is of the form YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS. If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    4.3 Patch Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow these steps for each node in the cluster, one node at a time:

    Shut down the instance on the node. (Shut down all RDBMS instances before any ASM instances.)

    Run the OPatch utility specifying the rollback argument as follows.

    opatch rollback -id 11724977

    After the rollback command completes, PSU is deinstalled, but PSU and any of its other overlay patches remain installed in the Oracle home.

    If there are errors, refer to Section 5, “Known Issues”.

    Start the instance on the node. Depending on the type of home, enter the following commands or command.

    For ASM homes:

    srvctl start listener
    srvctl start asm
    srvctl start instance

    For RDBMS (non-ASM) homes:

    srvctl start instance

    4.4 Post Deinstallation Instructions for a RAC Environment

    Follow the instructions listed in Section Section 4.2, “Post Deinstallation Instructions for a Non-RAC Environment” only on the node for which the steps in Section 3.3.1, “Loading Modified SQL Files into the Database” were executed during the patch application.

    All other instances can be started and accessed as usual while you are executing the deinstallation steps.
    5 Known Issues

    For information about OPatch issues, see My Oracle Support Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list.

    For issues documented after the release of this PSU, see My Oracle Support Note 1291876.1 Oracle Database Patch Set Update Known Issues.

    Other known issues are as follows.

    Issue 1

    The following ignorable errors may be encountered while running the catbundle.sql script or its rollback script:

    ORA-29809: cannot drop an operator with dependent objects
    ORA-29931: specified association does not exist
    ORA-29830: operator does not exist
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
    ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    ORA-01432: public synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01434: private synonym to be dropped does not exist
    ORA-01435: user does not exist
    ORA-01917: user or role ‘XDB’ does not exist
    ORA-01920: user name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01921: role name ‘‘ conflicts with another user or role name
    ORA-01952: system privileges not granted to ‘WKSYS’
    ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents
    ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint
    ORA-04043: object does not exist
    ORA-29832: cannot drop or replace an indextype with dependent indexes
    ORA-29844: duplicate operator name specified
    ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use
    ORA-06512: at line . If this error follow any of above errors, then can be safely ignored.
    ORA-01927: cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant

    Issue 2

    The view recompilation pre-check script returns different results during subsequent runs (such as after the first time you ran it).

    The results (the maximum number of views and objects that may be recompiled) may be more or less than reported in the previous running of the script. This is expected behavior, and is not a problem.
    Issue 3

    If the view recompilation script has already been run, a message is displayed indicating that the script has already been applied.

    This is not a problem, because as the instructions note, you do not need to run the script if it has already been run.

    6 References

    The following documents are references for this patch.

    Note 293369.1 OPatch documentation list

    Note 360870.1 Impact of Java Security Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products

    Note 468959.1 Enterprise Manager Grid Control Known Issues

    7 Bugs Fixed by This Patch

    This patch includes the following bug fixes.
    7.1 CPU Molecules

    CPU molecules in PSU

    PSU contains all molecules previously released in PSU and the following new PSU molecules:

    11787762 – DB-

    11787763 – DB-

    11787764 – DB-

    11787765 – DB-

    11787766 – DB-

    11787767 – DB-
    7.2 Bug Fixes

    PSU contains all fixes previously released in PSU and no new nonsecurity bug fixes.

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