我们介绍过 【CBO Optimizer优化器】IX_SEL索引选择率 在这个基础上介绍Oracle CBO优化器如何计算索引成本Index Cost
基本上这些信息可以通过10053 trace去猜测和获得,但下面仅仅是简单的组合例子解释CBO如何计算index cost的公式,实际的情况千差万别,复杂得多。
- 访问索引块的成本
- 对应去表上查找的成本
Selectivity of the combined leading columns * Number of Blocks in the Index
Selectivity of all indexed columns * Number of blocks likely to be visited in the
table (ie Clustering factor)
+ usually more minor points such as levels in the index +CPU
但大多数情况下 我们用下面的公式就可以了:
Index cost + Table look up costs: (ix_sel: * #LB: ) + (ix_sel_with_filters: * CLUF: )
IX_SEL常为查询中参考到的所有被索引的字段的DISTINCT值累乘,如在查询中涉及到3个索引字段 A,B,C则选择性为:
1/ NDV( A * B * C)
NDV 为 number of distinct values
select * from zzrfaccna where rclnt=:A0 and rldnr=:A1 and rbukrs=:A2 and ryear=:A3 and racct=:A4 and poper=:A5 在10053中可以看到 Column (#14): RBUKRS(VARCHAR2) AvgLen: 5.00 NDV: 20 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.05 Column (#15): RACCT(VARCHAR2) AvgLen: 11.00 NDV: 2213 Nulls: 0 Density: 4.5188e-04 Index: ZZRFACCNA~Z02 Col#: 14 15 16 21 22 LVLS: 4 #LB: 4180960 #DK: 222921 LB/K: 18.00 DB/K: 918.00 CLUF: 204796900.00 Access Path: index (RangeScan) Index: ZZRFACCNA~Z02 resc_io: 4727.00 resc_cpu: 48015032 ix_sel: 2.2594e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 2.2594e-05 Cost: 4753.68 Resp: 4753.68 Degree: 1
1/ (20 * 2213) = 1 / 44260 = 2.2593 e-5
由于查询中没有更多索引字段,所以其ix_sel_with_filters 等于IX_SEL
( ix_sel: 2.2594e-05 * #LB: 4180960 ) + ( ix_sel_with_filters: 2.2594e-05 *
CLUF: 204796900.00 )
(94) + (4627) (+ LVL + CPU) = ~ 4727
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