虽然错误结果(Wrong Result)对于Oracle数据库来说并不是什么新鲜的事情,例如如果有细读过Patchset bugfix list, 就能看到其中有一个专门的主题就是列出导致错误结果的各种bug。 但是实际上因Exadata导致的错误结果的现象并不多见。由于Smart Scan本身的机制比较复杂,而且Exadata存储软件本身是个黑盒,所以在诊断的时候往往感到无从下手。以下是Smart Scan导致错误结果的诊断流程:虽然并不是很实用,但是通过它,可以隐约亏测到一些关于Smart Scan的内部机制。
以下摘 自Exadata: How to diagnose smart scan and wrong results (Doc ID 1260804.1)
STEP 1. Set cell_offload_processing = FALSE
Wrong results still occur?
Yes – a data layer issue
No – smart scan problem. Restore parameter’s default value; go to (2)
STEP 2. Set _kcfis_cell_passthru_enabled = TRUE
Wrong results still occur?
Yes – not an FPLIB problem. Restore parameter default value; go to (3)
No – most likely a FPLIB problem
STEP 3. Set _kcfis_storageidx_disabled = TRUE
Wrong results still occur?
Yes – not a storage index problem. Restore parameter default value; go to (4)
No – most likely a storage index problem
STEP 4. If RDBMS is set _kcfis_control1=1.
If RDBMS is and later, set _kcfis_kept_in_cellfc_enabled = FALSE
Wrong results still occurs?
Yes – not a flash cache problem. Restore parameter defaults; go to (5)
No – most likely a flash cache issue
STEP 5. Set _kcfis_rdbms_blockio_enabled = TRUE
Wrong results still occurs?
Yes – problem is a kcfis issue
No – problem could still be a kcfis issue. This is somewhat of a gray area.
The investigation should start with kcfis
It may be required to get the dump of corrupted blocks.
If RDBMS is or later:
set _kcfis_dump_corrupt_block
TRUE – Dump any corrupt block, seen in smart IO code path, to rdbms trace file for the process
FALSE – (default) – Corrupt blocks are dumped only if none of the mirrors had a good copy.If RDBMS is
set _kcfis_control2
0 – (default) – Corrupt blocks are dumped only if none of the mirrors had a good copy.
1 – Dump any corrupt block, seen in smart IO code path, to rdbms trace file for the process
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