Event:10060 Text: dump predicates in optimizer (kko) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: This is a special EVENT code. It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by ST support. This event can be useful in conjunction with an explain plan to confirm which operations occur where in the execution plan. It dumps the predicates into a special table. Usage: - Available in 7.1.3 onwards when using CBO - NOTE: This does NOT do anything under RULE - After 7.1.3 you must create a special table called "kkoipt_table" before you set the event. This table should be in the schema of the person running under event 10060. create table kkoipt_table ( c1 integer, c2 varchar2(80) ); - To enable tracing: ALTER session set events '10060 trace name context forever'; - Run the statement to be traced - Set formatting: set pages 999 column c1 format 990 column c2 format a75 - select * from KKOIPT_TABLE; - Best used in conjunction with <Event:10053> trace and an execution plan. KKOIPT_TABLE.C2 output information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fptconst - Folding constants fptrnum - Remove rownum predicates fptwhr - Remove all where predicates except remaining rownum predicates frofkks (rowid lookup) - Rowid Lookup frofkks[i] (and-equal lookup) - Start Key (And-Equal) frofkke[i] (and-equal lookup) - End Key (And-Equal) froiand - Index only predicate frofkksm[i] (sort-merge) - Sort-Merg Key frosand (sort-merge) - Sort-Merge Predicates frojand (sort-merge) - Join Predicates frofkks[i] (index start key) - Index Start Key frofkke[i] (index stop key) - Index End Key frofand (hash part) - Table Predicate (Hash) froiand (index only filter) - Index Only Predicate frofand - Table Predicate froutand - Outer Join Predicates Example: ~~~~~~~ select a.* from memp a, memp b where a.sal > 5050 and rownum < 4 and 1=1 and a.empno (+) = b.empno; Output: (from kkoipt_table) 1 fptrnum 2 4>ROWNUM 3 Table: 4 MEMP 5 frofand 6 "A"."SAL">5050 7 Table: 8 MEMP 9 frofand 10 "A"."EMPNO"="B"."EMPNO"
EVENT: 10060 dump predicates in optimizer (kko)
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