

ORACLEデータベース によくあるエラ の解決策

プロのOracle Databaseの復旧サービスを提供
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Exadataで、なぜ DULと ODUがASMデータベースのデータを読み取れないが、Kfedなら読み取れるか?




[root@dm01cel01 lunar]# ./dul
Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Tue Jun 23 20:30:37 2015
with 64-bit io functions
Copyright (c) 1994 2015 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved.
 Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only
DUL: Warning: Could not open parameter file 
DUL: Warning: Compatible is set to 10 Values can be 6|7|8|9|10
DUL: Warning: no parameter file means no logfile
DUL: Warning: block 0 is not a disk header block
DUL: Warning: ASM Block type 32 not handled yet
DUL: Error: INCSEQ mismatch[8388877!=427426078]
DUL: Error: While processing unknown file unknown block
offset 33605120 possible block of size 512
DUL: Error: INCSEQ mismatch[8388892!=23134477]
DUL: Error: While processing unknown file unknown block
DUL: Error: block trailer mismatch found 0X0080011C expect 0X0A611C80
DUL: Error: checksum should be unused: 0x0a64
DUL: Error: While processing unknown file unknown block
DUL: Error: block trailer mismatch found 0X0080011B expect 0X02540C80
DUL: Error: block trailer mismatch found 0X00800888 expect 0X021B0D80
DUL: Error: checksum should be unused: 0x0229
DUL: Error: While processing unknown file unknown block
DUL: Error: INCSEQ mismatch[8390800!=961087622]
DUL: Error: While processing unknown file unknown block
Found file   2 block 88576 type 32 offs 46137344 delta 69398953984
extent of 512 blocks
Found file   1 block 102400 type 6 offs 50331648 delta 35148267520
extent of 473 blocks
Found file   2 block 98816 type 32 offs 54525952 delta 69474451456
extent of 512 blocks
Found file   2 block 107008 type 32 offs 58720256 delta 69537366016
extent of 512 blocks
Found file   2 block 111104 type 32 offs 62914560 delta 69566726144
extent of 512 blocks
Found file   2 block 125440 type 32 offs 67108864 delta 69679972352
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block  7168 type 6 offs 71303168 delta 12094615322624
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 25600 type 6 offs 75497472 delta 12094762123264
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 44032 type 32 offs 79691776 delta 12094908923904
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 46592 type 6 offs 83886080 delta 12094925701120
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 58880 type 6 offs 88080384 delta 12095022170112
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 62464 type 32 offs 92274688 delta 12095047335936
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 66048 type 6 offs 96468992 delta 12095072501760
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 78848 type 32 offs 100663296 delta 12095173165056
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 80896 type 6 offs 104857600 delta 12095185747968
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 87552 type 6 offs 109051904 delta 12095236079616
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 89600 type 6 offs 113246208 delta 12095248662528
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 98304 type 6 offs 117440512 delta 12095315771392
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 352 block 99328 type 6 offs 121634816 delta 12095319965696
Found file 381 block 2410496 type 6 offs 54836330496 delta 13055970770944
extent of 512 blocks
Found file 381 block 2422272 type 32 offs 54840524800 delta 13056063045632
[root@dm01cel01 lunar]# 

normal externalについて、また後日で。

[root@dm01cel01 lunar]# ll
total 3172
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      71 Jun 23 20:30 control.dul
-rwxrwxr-x 1 celladmin 1000 1101896 May  5 00:14 dul
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root  487424 Jun 23 20:36 IDX_DATA1.dat
[root@dm01cel01 lunar]# head IDX_DATA1.dat
D /dev/sdc
B 46137344 8477184 1 6687
T 46145536 8477185 7 6687
T 46202880 8477192 8 6643
T 46268416 8477200 8 6649
T 46333952 8477208 8 6651
T 46399488 8477216 8 6657
T 46465024 8477224 8 6653
T 46530560 8477232 8 6655
T 46596096 8477240 8 6687
[root@dm01cel01 lunar]#






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