Does Rman Backup benefit from Large Pool?



1.几乎所有的Oracle入门教程都会在介绍Large pool的时候这样描述:”RMAN 备份使用large pool作为磁盘I/O缓冲区,配置Large pool有助于提高RMAN备份性能”

Truth:除非你启用了slaves IO,否则rman并不使用large pool

RMAN I/O可以分成三种模式:

Mode Disk tape
Asynchronous I/O 绝大多数操作系统支持AIO,默认disk_asynch_io为TRUE,即默认启用磁盘异步IO。如果磁盘设备不支持AIO,那么会使用synchronous I/O。磁盘异步模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区域从PGA中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中 磁带设备本身不支持AIO(tape I/O is always synchronous),虽然默认tape_asynch_io为TRUE,但磁带设备只能通过IO slaves模拟异步IO,所以启用磁带AIO需要另外设置backup_tape_io_slaves=TRUE。此模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区从shared pool或者large pool中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中
Synchronous I/O 若disk_asynch_io设置为false,或操作系统不支持异步IO,且dbwr_io_slaves=0时启用Synchronous I/O。此时RMAN I/O缓冲区从PGA中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_sync_io视图中 默认backup_tape_io_slaves为false,即磁带设备默认不启用AIO而使用Synchronous I/O。此时RMAN I/O缓冲区从PGA中分配,相关性能信息存放在V$backup_sync_io视图中
Slaves I/O 启用disk slaves I/O,要求设置disk_asynch_io=false且dbwr_io_slaves>0。此模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区从shared pool或者large pool中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中 设置tape_asynch_io=true且backup_tape_io_slaves=true时启用,磁带的AIO模式其实就是使用slaves Io模拟获得的。所以此模式下的一切和tape AIO完全一样

我们在使用RMAN备份数据库时无论是磁盘备份还是磁带备份总是优先期望使用AIO异步IO特性(tape aio比较特殊,见上表),使用AIO的前提是设置合理的初始化参数以及操作系统支持AIO,如果我们使用的操作系统不支持AIO那么我们将不得不使用Synchronous IO同步IO。这并不是世界末日,因为Oracle提供了IO从属进程(slaves IO)来模拟AIO,当然这是退而求其次的。为了启用slaves IO,我们需要手动设置backup_tape_io_slaves或dbwr_io_slaves参数来启用IO从属特性,当使用磁带备份时设置backup_tape_io_slaves(此时tape_asynch_io应当为true)为true,当使用磁盘设备时设置dbwr_io_slaves(此时disk_asynch_io应当为false)为非零值。在启用slaves IO的前提下RMAN才会从Large pool当中分配内存并加以利用,如果没有配置large pool(注意如果启用了ASMM,那么Oracle会自动为large pool分配一个granule大小的空间)或者large pool过小,那么RMAN的内存缓冲区将从shared pool中分配。如果Oracle仍不能获得足够内存,那么将本地进程获取足够的IO缓存。若我们启用了I/O slaves,那么很有必要配置一个足够大的Large pool(一般60-100M就足够了),这样RMAN的I/O缓存区可以从large pool中分配,避免了RMAN的I/O buffer和shared pool中的library cache等其他组件发生竞争。

If I/O slaves are used, I/O buffers are obtained from the SGA ,or the large pool, if configured.If LARGE_POOL_SIZE is set, then Oracle attempts to get memory from the large pool. If this value is not large enough, then Oracle does not try to get buffers from the shared pool.If Oracle cannot get enough memory, then it obtains I/O buffer memory from local process memory and writes a message to the alert.log file indicating that synchronous I/O is used for this backup.

在默认情况下Oracle对于磁盘设备使用AIO模式(disk_asynch_io=true & dbwr_io_slaves=0 by default),而对于磁带设备使用synchronous I/O(tape_asynch_io=true & backup_tape_io_slaves=false by default),都不会启用slaves I/O,所以默认情况下RMAN总是从PGA中分配缓存。换而言之在默认情况下,即便配置了较大的Large pool也不会为RMAN所用。

RMAN allocates the tape buffers in the SGA or the PGA, depending on whether I/O slaves are used. If you set the initialization parameter BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES = true, then RMAN allocates tape buffers from the SGA or the large pool if the LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is set. If you set the parameter to false, then RMAN allocates the buffers from the PGA.

我们来通过以下演示,进一步验证AIO/Slave IO环境下RMAN内存缓冲区从哪里分配,并加强印象:

SQL> select * From v$version;

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

SQL> show parameter async

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
disk_asynch_io                       boolean     TRUE
tape_asynch_io                       boolean     TRUE

SQL> select * From v$sgastat where pool='large pool';

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
large pool   PX msg pool                    903840
large pool   free memory                  15873376

backup as backupset database skip offline;

SQL> select * From v$sgastat where pool='large pool';

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
large pool   PX msg pool                    903840
large pool   free memory                  15873376

/* 在AIO模式下,全库备份后发现large pool未发生变化 */

SQL> alter system set disk_asynch_io=false scope=spfile;
System altered.

SQL> alter system set dbwr_io_slaves=2 scope=spfile;
System altered.

/* 以上启用了磁盘I/O Slave特性 */

SQL> startup force;

[oracle@rh2 ~]$ ps -ef|grep i10|grep -v grep
oracle   20761     1  0 20:44 ?        00:00:00 ora_i101_G10R2
oracle   20763     1  0 20:44 ?        00:00:00 ora_i102_G10R2

/* 启用I/O Slave后会出现ora_ixxx_SID这样的后台进程 */

SQL> select * From v$sgastat where pool='large pool';

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
large pool   PX msg pool                    903840
large pool   free memory                  15873376

RMAN> backup as backupset database skip offline;

SQL> select * From v$sgastat where pool='large pool';

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
large pool   PX msg pool                    903840
large pool   free memory                  24151392
large pool   KSFQ Buffers                 25276416

SQL> /

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
large pool   PX msg pool                    903840
large pool   free memory                  41006432
large pool   KSFQ Buffers                  8421376

/* 启用了I/O Slave后执行备份操作,
    large pool中出现了KSFQ Buffers,这个KSFQ buffer就是RMAN所使用的缓冲区,
    实际决定该buffer大小的是隐藏参数_backup_ksfq_bufsz和_backup_ksfq_bufcnt */

SQL> col name for a30
SQL> col describ for a70
SQL> SELECT x.ksppinm NAME, y.ksppstvl VALUE, x.ksppdesc describ
  2   FROM SYS.x$ksppi x, SYS.x$ksppcv y
  3   WHERE x.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')
  4   AND y.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')
  5   AND x.indx = y.indx
  6  AND x.ksppinm LIKE '%ksfq%';

NAME                           VALUE      DESCRIB
------------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
_backup_ksfq_bufsz             0          size of the ksfq buffer used for backup/restore
_backup_ksfq_bufcnt            0          number of the ksfq buffers used for backup/restore

/* 在10g中似乎Oracle会自动调控以上2个参数 */

SQL> alter system set "_backup_ksfq_bufsz"=131072;
System altered.

SQL> alter system set "_backup_ksfq_bufcnt"=1;
System altered.

RMAN> backup tablespace data01;

/*  I/O slaves的IO统计信息仍存放在V$backup_sync_io视图中,
    而非可能是你所预期的v$backup_sync_io视图  */

SQL> select type,buffer_size,buffer_count from v$backup_async_io;

--------- ----------- ------------
AGGREGATE           0            0
INPUT          131072            1
OUTPUT        1048576            4

另外large pool的使用量可以通过下列公式来估算:
(4 * {RMAN Channels} * {DB_BLOCK_SIZE} * {DB_DIRECT_IO_COUNT} * {Multiplexing Level})
(4 * {RMAN Channels} * {Tape Buffer Size})

事实上如果你probe过PGA的内存使用情况,那么你或许会在PGA headdump中看到过”KSFQ heap”的相关信息。显然当在非slaves IO模式下,RMAN会从PGA HEAP->KSFQ heap这个subheap子堆中分配必要的buffer。

我们在磁盘AIO模式下执行必要的backup操作,之后找出RMAN相关的shadow process并对其做heapdump,分析其pga内存使用情况

SQL> select spid,pga_used_mem,pga_max_mem from v$process where addr in
  2  (select paddr from v$session where program like '%rman%')
  3  order by pga_used_mem desc ;

------------ ------------ -----------
24424             5750341    14410829
24425             4717957    12134125
24413             3308341     9626701
24423              435773      993005

SQL> oradebug setospid 24424;
Oracle pid: 25, Unix process pid: 24424, image: [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)

SQL> oradebug dump heapdump 536870917;
Statement processed.

SQL> oradebug tracefile_name;

==========================heapdump details==============================

FIVE LARGEST SUB HEAPS for heap name="pga heap"   desc=0x68d3ec0
  Subheap ds=0x87c83e8  heap name=       KSFQ heap  size=         4205296
   owner=(nil)  latch=(nil)

HEAP DUMP heap name="KSFQ heap"  desc=0x87c83e8
 extent sz=0x1040 alt=32767 het=32767 rec=0 flg=2 opc=2
 parent=0x68d3ec0 owner=(nil) nex=(nil) xsz=0x20228
EXTENT 0 addr=0x7f86bf788dd8
  Chunk     7f86bf788de8 sz=  1049112    freeable  "KSFQ Buffers   "
EXTENT 1 addr=0x7f86bf988dd8
  Chunk     7f86bf988de8 sz=  1049112    freeable  "KSFQ Buffers   "
EXTENT 2 addr=0x7f86bfb88dd8
  Chunk     7f86bfb88de8 sz=  1049112    freeable  "KSFQ Buffers   "
EXTENT 3 addr=0x7f86bfc98dd8
  Chunk     7f86bfc98de8 sz=  1049112    freeable  "KSFQ Buffers   "
EXTENT 4 addr=0x7f86bfddf358
  Chunk     7f86bfddf368 sz=     5192    freeable  "KSFQ ctx       "
EXTENT 5 addr=0x87c7680
  Chunk        0087c7690 sz=      984    perm      "perm           "  alo=984
  Chunk        0087c7a68 sz=     1944    free      "               "
  Chunk        0087c8200 sz=      464    freeable  "KSFQ buffer poo"
Total heap size    =  4205032
 Bucket 0 size=0
  Chunk        0087c7a68 sz=     1944    free      "               "
Total free space   =     1944
  Chunk        0087c7690 sz=      984    perm      "perm           "  alo=984
Permanent space    =      984

/* 以上可以看到KSFQ Heap子堆共占用了4205296=4M内存,
    而该服务进程的pga_used_memory总量为5750341 bytes,即KSFQ占该进程PGA的73%
    另外这里KSFQ Buffer的大多Chunk是freeable的,仅少量为perm                    */

另外磁带I/O缓冲区的大小可以在配置通道时指定,其默认值由操作系统决定,一般为64k。我们使用allocate channel命令设置磁带I/O缓冲区,为了达到最佳性能,可以将磁带I/O缓冲区大小设置为256KB或更大,如:

allocate channel maclean1 device type sbt


  1. 在默认情况下(即disk backup使用AIO而tape backup使用sync IO),RMAN backup并不会从Large Pool中获益,而是从PGA中的KSFQ heap中分配必要的I/O内存缓冲区。当然我们还是推荐设置Large_pool_size为100M左右,因为即使是PC服务器也不会缺这一点内存
  2. 仅当启用I/O slaves时RMAN backup从Large Pool中分配ksfq buffer(ksfq buffer used for backup/restore),在9i/10g中常有因large pool过小而引起ORA-04031错误的案例;若large pool大小为0,那么ksfq buffer会从shared pool中分配,一方面ORA-04031:(“shared pool”,”unknown object”,”sga heap(1,0)”,”KSFQ Buffers”)错误的概率将大大增加,另一个方面将造成KSFQ与library cache间的竞争,不利于性能。这种情况下RMAN backup的确从Large pool中得到收益,设置large_pool_size为100M仍是被推荐的
  3. 在非slaves IO模式下RMAN从PGA的KSFQ heap子堆中分配I/O缓冲区,因为在非slaves IO模式下该内存缓冲区没有共享的必要


Mode Disk tape
Asynchronous I/O 绝大多数磁盘设备支持AIO,默认disk_asynch_io为TRUE,即默认启用磁盘异步IO。如果磁盘设备不支持AIO,那么会使用synchronous I/O。磁盘异步模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区域从PGA中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中 磁带设备本身不支持AIO,虽然默认tape_asynch_io为TRUE,但磁带设备只能通过IO slaves模拟异步IO,所以启用磁带AIO需要另外设置backup_tape_io_slaves=TRUE。此模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区从shared pool或者large pool中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中
Synchronous I/O 若disk_asynch_io设置为false,或磁盘设备不支持异步IO,且dbwr_io_slaves=0时启用Synchronous I/O。此时RMAN I/O缓冲区从PGA中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_sync_io视图中 默认backup_tape_io_slaves为false,即磁带设备默认不启用AIO而使用Synchronous I/O。此时RMAN I/O缓冲区从PGA中分配,相关性能信息存放在V$backup_sync_io视图中
Slaves I/O 启用disk slaves I/O,要求设置disk_asynch_io=false且dbwr_io_slaves>0。此模式下RMAN I/O缓冲区从shared pool或者large pool中分配,相关IO性能信息存放在V$backup_async_io视图中 同tape AIO时一样






8 responses to “Does Rman Backup benefit from Large Pool?”

  1. maclean Avatar

    ORA-04031 “KSFQ Buffers” ksmlgpalloc

    Applies to:
    Oracle Server – Standard Edition – Version: and later [Release: 9.2 and later ]
    Information in this document applies to any platform.

    — Problem Statement:
    Getting ORA-4031 in the alert log file:

    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 532524 bytes of shared memory (“shared pool”,”unknown object”,”sga heap(1,0)”,”KSFQ Buffers”)

    SO: 80355EA8, type: 4, owner: 802FB928, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
    (session) trans: 00000000, creator: 802FB928, flag: (41) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    DID: 0001-0095-00000022, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000
    txn branch: 00000000
    oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: 8F21F578, psql: 00000000, user: 0/SYS
    O/S info: user: SYSTEM, term: GEHUS5031, ospid: 5296:1468, machine: EC\GEHUS5031
    program: rman.exe
    client info: rman channel=ch1
    application name: backup archivelog: ch1, hash value=3567860541
    action name: 0000106 STARTED, hash value=3757870881
    last wait for ‘latch free’ blocking sess=0x0 seq=1234 wait_time=332
    address=8b6ca86c, number=9d, tries=0
    temporary object counter: 0
    …No current library cache object being loaded
    …No instantiation object

    Analysis of callstack
    Summary Stack (to Full stack) (to Function List)
    ksmasg Callback function for allocating an SGA extent. The SGA is fixed size
    kghnospc KGH: There is no space available in the heap, signal an error.
    kghalo KGH: main allocation entry point
    ksmlgpalloc ksmlgpalloc – KSM LarGe Pool ALLOCation
    ksfqbcre BUFFER MANAGER FUNCS */
    ksfqxcre ksfqxcre – CREate KSFQ context
    krbbpc Piece Create. This is the implementation of
    krbibpc Backup Piece Creation */
    pfrrun PSDEVN: PL/SQL Interpreter Main Instruction Loop
    pricar ——————————– pricar ——————————– */
    pricbr PL/SQL Remote Interface – Call Back, Remote
    prient2 prient2 – common code to run given entrypoint: could be RPC or non-RPC
    prient prient – Run given (RPC) entrypoint
    kkxrpc ARGSUSED */
    kporpc kporpc.c – The oracle side function to start rpc
    opiodr OPIODR: ORACLE code request driver – route the current request
    ttcpip TTCPIP: Two Task Common PIPe read/write
    opitsk opitsk – Two Task Oracle Side Function Dispatcher
    opiino opiino – ORACLE Program Interface INitialize Opi
    opiodr OPIODR: ORACLE code request driver – route the current request
    opidrv # opidrv – ORACLE Program Interface DRiVer (IGNORE)
    sou2o # Main Oracle executable entry point

    Large Pool was not configured.

    RMAN backups need Large Pool to complete the required operations.

    — To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::

  2. maclean Avatar

    RMAN Restore Performance from Tape is Very Poor

    Applies to:
    Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: to
    This problem can occur on any platform.
    RMAN restore from sbt backup is very slow compared to backup speed.
    Backup rate is 60-90Mb/sec.
    Restore rate is 6Mb/sec.
    Backup is hardware multiplexed but media manager does support multiplexed backups.
    Restore validate runtime is VERY fast so problem is the write back to disk.


    RMAN is using a 128Kb buffer size for the datafiles when restoring back to disk.
    The input buffer size used during backup is 1Mb.

    To confirm that you are hitting the same problem, query v$backup_async IO and check buffer_size for the backup eg
    SQL>select device_type, type, buffer_size from v$backup_async_io where
    open_time > to_date(’30-jun-09 15:14:00′, ‘dd-mon-rr hh24:mi:ss’) and
    close_time select device_type, type, buffer_size from v$backup_async_io where
    open_time > to_date(’30-jun-09 14:50:00′, ‘dd-mon-rr hh24:mi:ss’) and
    close_time alter system set “_BACKUP_KSFQ_BUFSZ”=1048576;

    Users restoring to ASM may want to set this to the ASM stripe size.

    Problem can affect any release prior to 11.2.

    Please note:

    Setting _BACKUP_KSFQ_BUFSZ=1048576 will benefit restore performance overall where you can see that a buffer size of 128Kb is being used. However, if restore validate is also taking a long time then setting this hidden parameter alone may not be enough, particularly if you have hardware multiplexed the original backup (allocated > 1 channel per physical tape device). If this is the case then refer to Note 740911.1: RMAN Restore Performance.

  3. maclean Avatar

    Hdr: 12422903 RDBMS RMAN PRODID-5 PORTID-226
    Abstract: RMAN BACKUP FAILING WITH ORA-600 [1862]

    when setting if _backup_ksfq_bufsz > 1048576 then rman backup fails with:

    RMAN-8011: including current control file in backupset
    RMAN-8038: channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: starting piece 1 at 03-05-2011 17:54:59
    RMAN-571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-3009: failure of backup command on ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel at 05/03/2011
    ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [1862], [8388608], [], [], [], [],
    [], []

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Oracle Label Security,
    Data Mining Scoring Engine and Real Application Testing options
    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/10.2.0
    System name: Linux
    Node name: fr-srv-orahm01
    Release: 2.6.18-194.el5
    Version: #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 21:52:39 EDT 2010
    Machine: x86_64
    Instance name: PCAP1
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 439
    Unix process pid: 22266, image: oracle@fr-srv-orahm01 (TNS V1-V3)

    *** NAME:(0000018 STARTED16) 2011-05-03 14:24:43.976
    *** NAME:(backup full datafile) 2011-05-03 14:24:43.976
    *** NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2011-05-03 14:24:43.976
    *** ID:(6242.2499) 2011-05-03 14:24:43.976
    *** 14:24:43.976
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [1862], [67108864], [], [], [],
    [], [], []
    —– Call Stack Trace —–
    ssd_unwind_bp ksedst ksedmp ksfdmp kgeriv kgesiv ksesic1 ksfqxc
    ksfqxcrx ksfqxcre krbbcThread krbbpc krbibpc pevm_icd_call_commo
    pfrinstr_ICAL pfrrun_no_tool pfrrun plsql_run pricar pricbr prient2
    prient kkxrpc kporpc opiodr ttcpip opitsk opiino opiodr opidrv sou2o
    opimai_real main libc_start_main start

    user: 0/SYS
    service name: SYS$USERS
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/1, ospid: 21905, machine: fr-srv-orahm01
    program: rman@fr-srv-orahm01 (TNS V1-V3)
    client info: rman channel=ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
    application name: backup full datafile, hash value=2287030075
    action name: 0000018 STARTED16, hash value=109080347

    Dont set _backup_ksfq_bufsz > 1048576

    ssd_unwind_bp ksedst ksedmp ksfdmp kgeriv kgesiv ksesic1 ksfqxc
    ksfqxcrx ksfqxcre krbbcThread krbbpc krbibpc pevm_icd_call_commo
    pfrinstr_ICAL pfrrun_no_tool pfrrun plsql_run pricar pricbr prient2
    prient kkxrpc kporpc opiodr ttcpip opitsk opiino opiodr opidrv sou2o
    opimai_real main libc_start_main start

  4. maclean Avatar

    ORA-4030 “Out Of Process Memory Error” During RMAN Restore

    Applies To
    Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version:
    This problem can occur on any platform.
    During RMAN restore following error occurs

    allocate channel c1 type disk;
    restore database ;

    RMAN-03002: failure during compilation of command
    RMAN-03013: command type: restore
    RMAN-03006: non-retryable error occurred during execution of command: IRESTORE
    RMAN-07004: unhandled exception during command execution on channel c1
    RMAN-10035: exception raised in RPC: ORA-04030: out of process memory when
    trying to allocate
    1048632 bytes (pga heap,KSFQ Buffers)
    RMAN-10031: ORA-19583 occurred during call to
    Recovery Manager complete.
    The RMAN failed to restore because of ORA-4030 “out of process memory”
    Increase data(kbytes), stack(kbytes), memory(kbytes) parameter to unlimited in ulimit -a

  5. maclean Avatar

    Why ORA-04031 on Shared Pool during RMAN back up even when Large Pool is set?

    Applies to:
    Oracle Server – Enterprise Edition – Version: and later [Release: 10.2 and later ]
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    Following error occurs while performing RMAN back up:

    RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch0 channel at 07/23/2010 10:39:21
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 7836 bytes of shared memory (“shared pool”,”unknown object”,”sga heap(1,0)”,”ksfqpar”)

    The LARGE_POOL_SIZE was set.

    But the Large Pool was not used and ORA-4031 error occurred.

    The LARGE POOL is only utilized when following are set:

    1. DBWR_IO_SLAVES and/or BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES to a non-zero value

    Otherwise shared pool is used. You can test this as below:

    When DBWR_IO_SLAVES is set to zero and DISK_ASYNCH_IO is set to true then Large pool is not used:

    RMAN> allocate channel for maintenance type disk;

    SQL> select * from v$sgastat where name like ‘%KSFQ

    ———— ————————– ———-
    shared pool X$KSFQP ANCHOR 52
    shared pool KSFQ buffer pool 2376

    SQL> select * from v$sgastat where pool=’large pool’;

    ———— ————————– ———-
    large pool PX msg pool 262144
    large pool free memory 33292288

    When DBWR_IO_SLAVES is set to non-zero and DISK_ASYNCH_IO is set to false:

    RMAN> allocate channel for maintenance type disk;

    SQL> select * from v$sgastat where pool=’large pool’;

    ———— ————————– ———-
    large pool PX msg pool 262144
    large pool free memory 29081600
    large pool KSFQ Buffers 4210688

    SQL> select * from v$sgastat where name like ‘%KSFQ%’;

    ———— ————————– ———-
    shared pool X$KSFQP ANCHOR 52
    shared pool KSFQ buffer pool 2376
    shared pool KSFQ Buffer Structures 208
    large pool KSFQ Buffers 4210688

    Now, we see the large pool is in use.

  6. maclean Avatar

    Bug 10635701 – RMAN backup many files consumes lots of PGA / fails with ORA-4030

    RMAN backups of large numbers of files can fail with ORA-4030
    due to excessive memory consumption.

    Rediscovery Notes:
    RMAN backup fails with ORA-4030.
    RMAN tracing shows that the error occurred in function
    with a trace line such as:
    krmxrpc – channel t1 kpurpc2 err=4030 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.VALIDATIONVALIDATE

    Hdr: 10635701 RDBMS RMAN PRODID-5 PORTID-226

    Exadata Quarter rack: 3 storage cells.
    using on RDBMS.
    using Veritas NetBackup for Oracle – Release 7.0

    The backup of flash recovery area allocates up to 15gb of PGA and it fails
    with error ORA-4030

    The script used to run the backup:

    connect target ‘/’

    run {
    allocate channel t1 type ‘SBT_TAPE’;
    backup recovery area backupset all delete input filesperset=4;
    release channel t1;


    The incident trace file BGC0TT1_ora_21853_i1344592.trc has this:

    Dump continued from file:
    ORA-4030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 1052696 bytes (KSFQ
    heap,KSFQ Buffers)

    ========= Dump for incident 1344592 (ORA-4030) ========
    —– Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) —–
    94% 14 GB, 14727 chunks: “KSFQ Buffers ”
    KSFQ heap ds=0x2af17258bd70 dsprt=0xb7d3bc0

    There is a massive allocation of memory with comments KSFQ Buffers from the
    KSFQ heap.

    The callstack:
    kghalf <- ksfqbalo <- ksfqbcre <- ksfqxc <- ksfqxcrx <- ksfqxcre <- krbrvv

    The limitation of FILESPERSET does not change the results, still error

    We have asked the customer to run the backup and get output from
    v$backup_async_io, to identify the number of buffers and size of buffers
    allocated during the backup.

    Call Stack of the failing process:
    kghalf <- ksfqbalo <- ksfqbcre <- ksfqxc <- ksfqxcrx
    <- ksfqxcre <- krbrvv

    The heap where memory is allocated KSFQ heap with chunks
    with comments "KSFQ Buffers". That information is dumped
    into the trace file generated by error ORA-4030


    RMAN backups of large numbers of files can fail with ORA-4030
    due to excessive memory consumption.
    RMAN backup fails with ORA-4030. RMAN tracing shows that the error occurred
    in function dbms_backup_restore.validationvalidate, with a trace line such

    krmxrpc – channel t1 kpurpc2 err=4030 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.VA

  7. maclean Avatar

    Hdr: 9523300 USERDOC PRODID-5 PORTID-212

    From the online documentation :

    Oracle® Database Administrator’s Reference
    10g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX-Based Operating Systems
    Part Number B15658-06


    ” A.2.4 I/O Slaves

    There are times when you must turn off asynchronous I/O. For example, if
    instructed to do so by Oracle Support for debugging. You can use the
    DISK_ASYNCH_IO and TAPE_ASYNCH_IO parameters to switch off asynchronous I/O
    for disk or tape devices. ”

    Customers find this whole section confusing as it does not distinguish
    between disk and tape io slaves and gives the impression that tape async io
    is enabled by default (as tape_asynch_io defaults to true) and that
    backup_tape_io_slaves therefore need never be set.

    As I understand it: tape async io can never be asynchronous unless both
    tape_asynch_io and backup_tape_io_slaves are BOTH set to true and the default
    settings for these parameters means tape io will always by default be
    Asynchronous IO to tape can only be simulated via the use of tape IO slaves
    and setting tape_asynch_io=true alone is not enough.

    This sentence also needs clarifying:

    “Set the DBWR_IO_SLAVES parameter to greater than 0 only if the
    DISK_ASYNCH_IO or TAPE_ASYNCH_IO parameter is set to false”

    This again does not distinguish between disk and tape io slaves and should

    Set DBWR_IO_SLAVES parameter to greater than 0 only if DISK_ASYNCH_IO=FALSE.
    For tape io slaves, set BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES=TRUE and leave
    TAPE_ASYNCH_IO=TRUE (default).

  8. maclean Avatar
    • What is the purpose of I/O slaves?
    I/O Slaves are specialized processes whose only function is to perform I/O . In Oracle7, all File I/O OSDs are blocking. The only exception is the OSD used by the direct loader. In this case, the direct loader asks for asynchronous I/O. In case the platform does not support asynchronous I/O, the direct loader has to revert to synchronous I/O.
    In Oracle8, the file I/O interface was reworked to provide non-blocking I/O calls for its clients. I/O slaves can be used to provide non-blocking I/O requests even if the platform does not support asynchronous I/O. Many platforms that do support asynchronous I/O for disk devices, may not do so for tape devices. Even in this case, I/O slaves can be used to do non-blocking I/O to tape devices. Under heavy loads, the Database Writer may need additional processes to do some of the I/O. In Oracle7, DBWR would use multiple processes to do I/Os on its behalf. In Oracle8, DBWR would use I/O slaves instead. I/O slaves can be deployed by the DBWR, LGWR, ARCH or the processes doing Backup.
    • Why the change from Oracle7?
    In Oracle7, “I/O slaves” were implemented at the OSD level specifically for DBWR in the form of multiple db_writers. The need existed to make the feature more general. This prompted the design of Oracle8 I/O slaves, which can be used theoretically by any server process. However, access to I/O slaves is restricted to DBWR, LGWR, ARCH and processes performing Backups, since it is not clear if any other process can take advantage of the I/O slaves.
    • What are initialization parameters that control I/O slave deployment?
    In Oracle8, the following parameters are significant:

    Parameter Possible Values Default
    dbwr_io_slaves 0..>100 0
    lgwr_io_slaves 0..>100 0
    arch_io_slaves 0..>100 0
    backup_disk_io_slaves 0..>100 0
    backup_tape_io_slaves TRUE/FALSE FALSE
    _io_slaves_disabled TRUE/FALSE FALSE
    disk_asynch_io TRUE/FALSE TRUE
    tape_asynch_io TRUE/FALSE TRUE

    • What is the purpose of the parameters disk_asynch_io and tape_asynch_io?
    It may be necessary to turn off the OS provided asynchronous I/O facility. For example, if the platform’s asynchronous I/O code has bugs or is not efficient. Asynchronous I/O can be disabled on a “per device type” basis. These parameters are now generic parameters, and replace all platform-specific parameters from Oracle7, such as use_async_io, async_read, and async_write.
    • Are slaves allocated dynamically as needed, or at instance startup?
    I/O slaves for DBWR are allocated immediately following database open when the first I/O request is made. For example, if the parameter dbwr_io_slaves=4, four I/O slaves will be spawned for the DBWR. Other I/O slaves (for LGWR, ARCH, and backup processes) are dynamically allocated on an as needed basis. This deployment method may change in the future, such that I/O slaves may be deployed upon Instance startup.
    • If dynamic, once allocated, do they ever exit?
    I/O slaves for DBWR and LGWR do not exit. Inactive I/O slaves for ARCH and backup processes exit.
    • How is a slave determined to be “inactive”? Is there a timeout value?
    An I/O slave determines that it is inactive if it has been idle for 60 seconds.
    • Are they sent a signal from another process, or do they exit on their own?
    If an I/O slave finds that it has reached the threshold of inactive period, then it exits on its own by signalling OER(448).
    • What is the max number of slaves?
    • Whose responsibility is it to spawn a slave?
    Whoever is issuing the I/O. For example, DBWR, or a foreground process.
    • How does the file I/O subsystem “recognize” the need for a slave?
    The I/O issuing process looks for an idle I/O slave. If one is available, that I/O slave will get a post. If there are no idle slaves, then the I/O issuer will spawn one. If the allowed number of slaves have been spawned, then the issuer waits and tries again to find an idle slave.
    • Given a DBWR slave, does the DBWR process do any work, or just the slave(s)?
    DBWR continues to do all the DBWR related work. Further, the DBWR process initiates the I/O. The DBWR’s I/O slave simply does the I/O on DBWR’s behalf.
    • What is the slave process naming convention?
      The slave process name is ora_iNnn_<SID> where:

      iNnn Description Possible Values
      i Denotes this is an I/O slave “i”
      N I/O adaptor number 1..F
      nn Slave number 01..0z,

      Once slave number 0z is spawned, the next slaves are 10, 11, 12, … As an example, if dbwr_io_slaves=15, the following process will be started:

      ora_i101_SID ora_i102_SID ora_i103_SID ora_i104_SID
      ora_i105_SID ora_i106_SID ora_i107_SID ora_i108_SID
      ora_i109_SID ora_i10a_SID ora_i10b_SID ora_i10c_SID
      ora_i10d_SID ora_i10e_SID ora_i10f_SID

    • Will a process like DBWR always use the same adaptor number? Or rephrased, given a process ora_i031_<SID>, what process is this slave doing I/O for?
    A process may not necessarily always use the same adaptor number.
    • What mechanism do the slaves use to communicate with the master?
    If a process wants to use I/O slaves to do its I/O, then the I/O buffers must be in shared memory.
    • Is there a need for I/O slaves if async I/O is available?
    The short answer is no. However, if the system is very large, and the DBWR is falling behind, then one could consider using the I/O slaves.
    Note, I/O slaves can do asynchronous I/O. In other words, the deployment of I/O slaves is orthogonal to availability of asynchronous I/Os in the system.
    • What concerns are there running I/O slaves even if async I/O is available?
    • You end up using shared memory, when you could have used process private memory
    • Communication overheads
    • Processing overheads (plus context switches)
    • Will each slave use async I/O individually?
    • If a platform supports async I/O to raw devices only, will I/O to raw be done async, and I/O to the filesystem be done sync?
    IO slaves use the same algorithm as direct IO adaptor. If the platform supports asynchronous IO to the target device (or file) then IO will be done asynchronously.
    • Can I/O slaves be used with List I/O?
    • What part of the SGA is used for backup/restore slaves?
    The variable part of the SGA.
    • I’m most interested in the “separate ‘pool’ of SGA memory”. How large will this pool be and how will it affect the size of the SGA?
    Backup process will use PGA memory if it is not using any IO slaves. However, the backup process will use SGA, if it were to use IO slaves. In either case, the size of the memory used is proportional to:
    • number of files that are opened at any time
    • number of files being backed up
    • Does it depend on the number of possible I/O slaves?
    • Is this separate pool allocated when the slave(s) is allocated, or at instance startup?
    The pool is allocated when the backup process is ready to do IO.
    • Are there any concerns in using I/O slaves if using MTS?
    • What’s the recommended settings for <adaptor>_io_slaves?
    The general recommendation is: set the value to 2, if the I/O activity is expected to be moderate. Set it to 4, if you expect a lot of I/O activity. Simulating asynchronous I/O behavior is not free. So, deployment of I/O slaves should be done carefully. I cannot stress this point enough.
    • How can the performance of I/O slaves be monitored?
    Use v$sesstat, looking at physical writes, physical reads, logical reads, write requests. Use v$sess_io and v$filestat to correlate these numbers.
    • How do backup_io_slaves work with multiple channels?
    Each channel will get its own set of slaves, because each channel has its own Oracle session. Within each channel, there may be separate ksfq contexts allocated for reading and writing, both of which will share the same ksfh context and the same set of I/O slaves.
    • How are they used to improve backup performance?
    If the platform does not provide async I/O, then slaves are used to simulate async I/O. Rather than blocking on each file read, backup can process the buffers for one file while the slaves are filling the buffers for other files. If there are enough files and enough slaves, then we should be able to keep a tape streaming. If we have neither slaves nor async I/O, then there is no performance benefit to multi-plexing datafiles.
    • Are they used for restore and application of incrementals?
    Yes, for both restore and application. Both reading to tape and writing to disk will share the same set of I/O slaves.

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