本文档描述如何在11.2 Grid Infrastructure 安装完成后修改其GI的时区time zone 设置。
1. 对于11.2.0.1 ,确保root、grid、oracle用户的shell环境变量TZ设置正确!
2. 对于11.2.0.2及以上版本,确认 $GRID_HOME/crs/install/s_crsconfig_<nodename>_env.txt 中的参数设置为正确的时区
ech $TZ TZ=US/Pacific grep TZ s_crsconfig__env.txt TZ=US/Pacific
若timezone设置时区不正确或存在无关字符可能导致RAC Grid Infrastructure无法正常启动。
在11.2 CRS之前可以通过init.cssd diag来确认时区设置。
Linux To change: /usr/sbin/timeconfig To display current setting: cat /etc/sysconfig/clock ZONE="America/Los_Angeles" UTC=true ARC=false To find out all valid setting: ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo Anything that appears in this directory is valid to use, for example, CST6CDT and America/Chicago. Note: the "Zone" field in /etc/sysconfig/clock could be different than what's in /usr/share/zoneinfo in OL6.3/RHEL6.3, the one from /usr/share/zoneinfo should be used in $GRID_HOME/crs/install/s_crsconfig_<nodename>_env.txt hp-ux To display current setting: cat /etc/default/tz PST8PDT To change: set_parms timezone To find out all valid setting: ls -l /usr/lib/tztab Solaris To display current setting: grep TZ /etc/TIMEZONE TZ=US/Pacific To change, modify TIMEZONE, also run "rtc -z US/pacific; rtc -c" To find out all valid settings: ls -l /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo AIX To display current setting: grep TZ /etc/environment TZ=GMT
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