我们在升级数据库的大版本(如9i -> 10g )或大的补丁集( 如10.2.0.1 ->时总是需要升级现有数据库的数据字典(dictionary),这是因为随着Oracle版本的升级,某些对象的属性需要改变,而这些改变操作都将体现在升级脚本catupgrd.sql中。
SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select * from global_name; GLOBAL_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.askmac.cn alter table WRR$_REPLAY_FILTER_SET add (default_action varchar2(20)); Rem ======================================================================= Rem End Changes for Database Replay Rem =======================================================================
而与之相对应的e1102000.sql 脚本存在以下drop default_action 列的语句:
Rem Rem Drop this column for existing dbms_workload_replay Rem alter table WRR$_REPLAY_FILTER_SET drop column default_action; commit;
假设在catupgrd.sql中创建了某些组件对象(component objects),那么在降级时并不会将这些新增加的组件对象全部drop掉,而是简单地truncate这些对象上的数据。
实际上c1102000.sql 脚本会在升级数据字典即catupgrd.sql脚本运行时被调用,而e1102000.sql 则会在降级数据字典版本即catdwgrd.sql脚本运行过程中被调用。
cat*.sql 一般是用来创组件建对象(create objects)的,如catalog.sql脚本创建数据字典对象 cmpup*.sql 一般是用来升级组件component的,如cmpupjav.sql脚本用来升级JAVAVM和XML ii1102000.sql 包含了数据字典变化必要的DDL操作 c1102000.sql 包含了绝大多数的数据字典变化 a1102000.sql 包含了更新字典数据的PL/SQL块 cmpupgrd.sql 该脚本调用必要的组件升级脚本,如JAVAVM,CONTEXT,Spatial等 f1102000.sql 该脚本使用PL/SQL包将数据字典变化恢复到老的版本 e1102000.sql 该脚本包含了恢复到老版本的其他一些必要字典变更
了解了这些升级脚本的作用之后,我们来看一个数据库升级的实例。 以下是由10.1.0.5 升级到 时 catupgrd.sql 脚本的调用追踪情况:
@catupgrd.sql @catupstr.sql @i0902000.sql -> @i1001000.sql -> @i1002000.sql -> i1101000.sql @c1001000.sql -> @c1002000.sql -> @c1101000.sql @catalog.sql @catproc.sql @catupprc.sql @a1001000.sql -> @a1002000.sql -> @a1101000.sql @cmpupgrd.sql @cmpupstr.sql @cmpupjav.sql @cmpupnjv.sql @cmpupxdb.sql @cmpupnxb.sql @cmpupord.sql @cmpupmsc.sql @cmpupend.sql @catupend.sql
注意以上c*.sql的执行过程是c1001000.sql->@c1002000.sql -> @c1101000.sql -> @catalog.sql (其实就是c1102000.sql) -> @catproc.sql,这说明了当10.1.0.5升级到11.2.0.1时,首先还是要执行10.1、10.2、11.1的数据字典变更,而非直接由10.1.0.5 的字典一步到位到 11.2。
--- 11.2 Upgrade Scripts i1102000.sql contains the subset of dictionary changes necessary for DDL operations c1102000.sql contains most of the dictionary changes, runs catalog and catproc a1102000.sql contains PL/SQL blocks to update data within the dictionary cmpupgrd.sql invokes the component upgrade scripts (JAVAVM, CONTEXT, Spatial, etc.) --- catupgrd.sql @catupstr.sql – initial checks – runs “c” scripts @catalog.sql – creates data dictionary objects @catproc.sql – creates packages & types @catupprc.sql – final RDBMS “a” scripts @cmpupgrd.sql – invokes upgrade component scripts @catupend.sql – final scripts to complete the upgrade --- Downgrade Scripts – catdwgrd.sql cmpdbdwg.sql invokes the component downgrade scripts (JAVAVM, CONTEXT, etc.) OR cmpdwpth.sql invokes the component patch downgrade scripts (most components do not have patch downgrade scripts) f1102000.sql contains the dictionary changes that use PL/SQL packages to revert to the previous server e1102000.sql contains other dictionary changes necessary to revert to the previous server cmpupjav.sql – upgrades JAVAVM and XML Cmpupnjv.sql – upgrades components not dependent on javavm or xml Cmpupxdb.sql – upgrades context and xdb Cmpupnxb.sql – upgrades components not dependent on context or xdb, but dependent on javavm or xml Cmpupord.sql – upgrades ordim and spatial (dependent on javavm, xml, and xdb) Cmpupmsc.sql – upgrades other components dependent on context or xdb (odm, wk, exf, rul)
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