REM Locate the top PGA user set lines 75 set pages 999 set serveroutput on spool topuser.out select * from gv$version; declare a1 number; a2 number; a3 varchar2(30); a4 varchar2(30); a5 number; a6 number; a7 number; a8 number; blankline varchar2(70); cursor code is select pid, spid, substr(username,1,20) "USER" , substr(program,1,30) "Program", PGA_USED_MEM, PGA_ALLOC_MEM, PGA_FREEABLE_MEM, PGA_MAX_MEM from v$process where pga_alloc_mem= (select max(pga_alloc_mem) from v$process where program not like '%LGWR%'); begin blankline:=chr(13); open code; fetch code into a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8; dbms_output.put_line(blankline); dbms_output.put_line(' Top PGA User'); dbms_output.put_line(blankline); dbms_output.put_line('PID: '||a1||' '||'SPID: '||a2); dbms_output.put_line('User Info: '||a3); dbms_output.put_line('Program: '||a4); dbms_output.put_line('PGA Used: '||a5); dbms_output.put_line('PGA Allocated: '||a6); dbms_output.put_line('PGA Freeable: '||a7); dbms_output.put_line('Maximum PGA: '||a8); end; / set lines 132 col value format 999,999,999,999,999 select * from v$pgastat; spool off REM REM Investigate memory from the database side REM col TTL format 999,999,999,999 heading "Total Memory" break on report compute sum on report of TTL select bytes TTL from v$sgainfo where name='Maximum SGA Size' union select value from v$pgastat where name='total PGA allocated' / set lines 132 set pages 999 spool workareaoverview.out REM overview of PGA usage col name format a40 head "Name" col value format 999,999,999 head "Total" col unit format a10 head "Units" col pga_size format a25 head "PGA Size" col optimal_executions format 999,999,999,999 head "Optimal" col onepass_executions format 999,999,999,999 head "One-Pass" col multipasses_executions format 999,999,999,999 head "Multi-Pass" col optimal_count format 999,999,999,999 head "Optimal Count" col optimal_perc format 999 head "Optimal|PCT" col onepass_count format 999,999,999,999 head "One-Pass Count" col onepass_perc format 999 head "One|PCT" col multipass_count format 999,999,999,999 head "Multi-Pass Count" col multipass_perc format 999 head "Multi|PCT" col sid format 999,999 Head "SID" col operation format a30 head "Operation" col esize format 999,999,999 head "Expected Size" col mem format 999,999,999 head "Actual Mem" col "MAX MEM" format 999,999,999 head "Maximum Mem" col pass format 999,999 head "Passes" col tsize format 999,999,999,999,999 head "Temporary|Segment Size" spool workareaoverview.out SELECT name, decode(unit, 'bytes', trunc(value/1024/1024), value) value , decode(unit, 'bytes', 'MBytes', unit) unit FROM V$PGASTAT / REM Review workarea buckets to see how efficient memory is utilized REM Ideal to see OPTIMAL EXECUTIONS vs. ONE-PASS and Multi-PASS select case when low_optimal_size < 1024*1024 then to_char(low_optimal_size/1024,'999999') || 'kb 0 order by low_optimal_size / REM Review workarea buckets as percentages overall REM this script assuming 64K optimal size SELECT optimal_count, round(optimal_count*100/total, 2) optimal_perc, onepass_count, round(onepass_count*100/total, 2) onepass_perc, multipass_count, round(multipass_count*100/total, 2) multipass_perc FROM (SELECT decode(sum(total_executions), 0, 1, sum(total_executions)) total, sum(OPTIMAL_EXECUTIONS) optimal_count, sum(ONEPASS_EXECUTIONS) onepass_count, sum(MULTIPASSES_EXECUTIONS) multipass_count FROM v$sql_workarea_histogram WHERE low_optimal_size > 64*1024) / REM Review current activity in Work Areas SELECT to_number(decode(SID, 65535, NULL, SID)) sid, operation_type OPERATION,trunc(EXPECTED_SIZE/1024) ESIZE, trunc(ACTUAL_MEM_USED/1024) MEM, trunc(MAX_MEM_USED/1024) "MAX MEM", NUMBER_PASSES PASS, trunc(TEMPSEG_SIZE/1024) TSIZE FROM V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE ORDER BY 1,2 / alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; select sysdate from dual; select * from v$pgastat; col time form a30 col name form a30 select a.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME time, b.* from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT a, DBA_HIST_PGASTAT b where a.SNAP_ID=b.SNAP_ID and'total PGA allocated' order by a.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME desc / show parameter parallel_execution_message_size show parameter memory show parameter pga spool off clear col #collect AIX info ls -al $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle >> /tmp/support.txt oslevel -s whoami >> /tmp/support.txt ulimit -a >> /tmp/support.txt svmon -O unit=MB >> /tmp/support.txt /usr/sbin/lsps -a >> /tmp/support.txt /usr/sbin/lsattr -HE -l sys0 -a realmem >> /tmp/support.txt ipcs -m >> /tmp/support.txt opatch lsinventory -detail #collect Linux info arch cat /etc/issue whoami ulimit -a df -h /dev/shm ipcs -ma cat /etc/sysctl.conf cat /proc/meminfo cat /proc/swaps cat /proc/vmstat opatch lsinventory -detail
ORA-4030 PGA Usage Diagnostic Script
2 responses to “ORA-4030 PGA Usage Diagnostic Script”
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [723], [67108952], [pga heap], [], [], [], [], []
In trace file….
ERROR: PGA size limit exceeded: 3224886936 > 3221225472
HEAP DUMP heap name=”pga heap” desc=0x685f220
extent sz=0x20c0 alt=184 het=32767 rec=0 flg=2 opc=1
parent=(nil) owner=(nil) nex=(nil) xsz=0x400fff0
EXTENT 0 addr=0x2b50136010
Chunk 2b50136020 sz= 65432 free ” ”
Chunk 2b50145fb8 sz= 67108936 freeable “qesmmCheckPgaL ” ds=0x2a97c2b1e8
EXTENT 1 addr=0x2b4c126010Call stack functions
ksmapg <- kghgex <- kghfnd <- kghalo<- kghgex <- kghfnd <- kghprmalo <- kghalp <- qesmmCheckPgaLimitChanges
#In init.ora/spfile.ora, the below event have been set to limit the PGA memory leak.
event = 10261 trace name context forever,level 3145728Event 10261 "Limit the size of the PGA heap
Event 10261
Text: Limit the size of the PGA heapDescription:
This event is useful for PGA memory leaks (and UGA if the UGA is in the PGA). The event causes Oracle to raise an ORA-600 if the PGA tries to grow above the specified size. A PGA heapdump is produced but additional information can be dumped for other heaps by setting an event on ORA-600 within the target process.Level:
The limit is one kilobyte times the level of the event. If the pga grows bigger than this we signal an internal error.Cause
The ORA-600 [723] error was reported because the Event 10261 was set for 3145728k (Approximately 3.2 GB)
In pfile/spfile, the below event
event = 10261 trace name context forever,level 3145728Solution
ORA-600 [723] error has been reported because EVENT 10261 has been set to ~3.2Gb. The process getting the error exceeded ~3.2Gb in memory usage; so oracle reported the error and terminated the process.event = 10261 trace name context forever,level 3145728
This is expected because, when event set with the above values, when a process reaches ~3.2GB of PGA memory, it will abort the process, report ORA-600 [723] and generate a trace file accordingly.Please unset this event
User can ignore this error.
select case when low_optimal_size < 1024*1024
then to_char(low_optimal_size/1024,'999999') || 'kb 0
order by low_optimal_size
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