Author: mac

  • PRM DUL ORACLE ミスでテーブルをTruncateした時の通常リカバリー

    D会社の業務メンテナンス技術者は製品データベースをテスト環境として、あるテーブルの全てのデータをTRUNCATEした。DBAはリカバリーしてみたが、最新なバックアップが使えなくなったことに気づき、バックアップから該当するテーブルの記録をエクスポートできなかった。そのとき、DBAはPRMを採用し、TRUNCATEしたデータをリカバリーすることにした。     その環境で、全てのデータベースファイルは使用可能で健全のため、ユーザーはディクショナリーモードでシステムテーブルスペースのファイルとTRUNCATEDされたテーブルのファイルををロードするだけでOKです。     create table ParnassusData.torderdetail_his1 tablespace users as select * from parnassusdata.torderdetail_his;       SQL> desc ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS  Name                    Null?    Type  ———————– ——– ————– SEQ_ID                NOT NULL   NUMBER(10)  SI_STATUS                        NUMBER(38)  D_CREATEDATE                     CHAR(20)  D_UPDATEDATE                     CHAR(20)  B_ISDELETE                       CHAR(1)  N_SHOPID                         NUMBER(10)  N_ORDERID                        NUMBER(10)  C_ORDERCODE                      CHAR(20)  N_MEMBERID                       NUMBER(10)  N_SKUID                          NUMBER(10)  C_PROMOTION                      NVARCHAR2(5)  N_AMOUNT                         NUMBER(7,2)  N_UNITPRICE                     …

  • Question about Oracle DUL

      I just wanted to tell you that your blog is wonderful, and to thank you for all great responses on numerous questions. I wanted to ask you, can you send me a newest version of Oracle DUL software for linux. I am very interested in trying it in multitenant architecture. I downloaded one from…

  • Recover Oracle lost/deleted System01.dbf tablespace using PRM-DUL

    Case 4: Deleted SYSTEM tablespace by mistake   A System Administrator of company D who deleted SYSTEM tablespace by mistake and make DB can not be open. Unfortunately, there is no RMAN backup available. Therefore, for company D try to use PRM-DUL to recover all data.   In this circumstance, run PRM-DUL and go into…

  • Recover Database Can’t be opened(corrupted System TABLESPACE or dictionary) using PRM-DUL

    Case 3: Oracle Dictionary Corrupted, DB can not be open   DBA of company D deleted SYS.TS$ (A bootstrap Table) by mistake, this cause Oracle DB can not be open   Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing optionsINSTANCE_NAME —————- ASMME…

  • oracle undrop tablespace using PRM-DUL case study

    Recover DROP TABLESPACE Data   User D dropped a tablespace(“DROP TABLESAPCE INCLUDING CONTENTS”) by mistake. They want to recover data resided in that tablespace, but there is no RMAN backup. Therefore, we can use PRM-DUL No-Dictionary mode to recover data. In this way, we can extract most data. However, the data is not mapping to…

  • PRM DUL is an Oracle Database Disaster Recovery Tool

    It may happen everyday that database reports error or system tablespace damaged, or cannot be accessed. It is too risky for your enterprise IT system. Most of cases can be resolved by RMAN.   PRM (ParnassusData Recovery Manager) is developed by Java which can be run all kinds of JAVA supported platform, Including: AIX, AIX、Solaris、HPUX、Linux…

  • Oracle undrop table using PRM-DUL case study

    Download PRM-DUL CASE 10: Recover Data after Dropping Table by mistake.   User D dropped one most important application table in ASM without any backup. Oracle introduced recyclebin feature in 10g. Please check whether the dropped table is in recyclebin by DBA_RECYCLEBINS view. If there is , try to recover data back by “flashback to…

  • Oracle untruncate using PRM-DUL case study

    Case Study on Oracle database recovery via PRM-DUL     CASE 1: Truncate table by mistake User D had truncated a table by mistake on production environment. The DBA tried to recover table from RMAN backup, and accidently the backup is unavailable. Therefore DBA decided to use PRM-DUL for rescuing all truncated data. Since all…

  • 2014年Orcl-Con甲骨文技术控活动精彩瞬间

    2014年Orcl-Con甲骨文技术控活动精彩瞬间   2014年甲骨文技术控活动精彩瞬间 本次大会文档下载 《MySQL Replication的条条大路 》 from Giuseppe Maxia 《Oracle数据库的保护之手》 from SHOUG 刘相兵 《PL/SQL : 请避免造成同样的性能错误》from Tim hall 《RAC manageing planned downtime with RAC》 from Björn Rost 《Oracle 12c in-memory特性在中国的实践》 沈宏  《Oracle信息化发展趋势与Oracle IT战略 》   刘冰冰 Oracle公司移动应用产品经理 Joe Huang 演讲主题:《使用Oracle Mobile Application Framework加速企业应用移动化》 Oracle公司高级技术咨询经理 刘冰冰在分享《Oracle信息化发展趋势与Oracle IT战略》 SHOUG 上海Oracle用户组发起人、诗檀软件创始人 刘相兵在介绍SHOUG宗旨以及 活动当天的现场Workshop:利用12c in-memory特性优化一个大型查询语句,优化后效果最好的同学获得了当天的大奖IPAD。 具体可以参见论坛上的workshop记录: Oracle技术著名网站管理者,ACE Director- Tim…

  • ORACLE専用データ復旧ソフトウェアPRM-DULユーザーズ・マニュアル
