Oracle RAC AWR指标含义



Global Cache Load Profile

Per Second Per Transaction
Global Cache blocks received: 12.06 2.23
Global Cache blocks served: 8.18 1.51
GCS/GES messages received: 391.19 72.37
GCS/GES messages sent: 368.76 68.22
DBWR Fusion writes: 0.10 0.02
Estd Interconnect traffic (KB) 310.31



指标 指标说明
Global Cache blocks received 通过硬件连接收到远程实例的数据块的数量。发生在一个进程请求一致性读一个数据块不是在本地缓存中。Oracle发送一个请求到另外的实例。一旦缓冲区收到,这个统计值就会增加。这个统计值是另两个统计值的和:Global Cache blocks received = gc current blocks received + gc cr blocks received
Global Cache blocks served 通过硬件连接发送到远程实例的数据块的数量。这个统计值是另外两个统计值的和:Global Cache blocks served = gc current blocks served + gc cr blocks served
GCS/GES messages received 通过硬件连接收到远程实例的消息的数量。这个统计值通常代表RAC服务引起的开销。这个统计值是另外两个统计值的和:GCS/GES messages received = gcs msgs received + ges msgs received
GCS/GES messages sent 通过硬件连接发送到远程实例的消息的数量。这个统计值通常代表RAC服务引起的开销。这个统计值是另外两个统计值的和:GCS/GES messages sent = gcs messages sent + ges messages sent
DBWR Fusion writes 这个统计值显示融合写入的次数。在RAC中,单实例Oracle数据库,数据块只被写入磁盘因为数据过期,缓冲替换或者发生检查点。当一个数据块在缓存中被替换因为数据过期或发生检查点但在另外的实例没有写入磁盘,Global Cache Service会请求实例将数据块写入磁盘。因此融合写入不包括在第一个实例中的额外写入磁盘。大量的融合写入表明一个持续的问题。实例产生的融合写入请求占总的写入请求的比率用于性能分析。高比率表明DB cache大小不合适或者检查点效率低。
Estd Interconnect traffic (KB) 连接传输的KB大小。计算公式如下:Estd Interconnect traffic (KB) = ((‘gc cr blocks received’+ ‘gc current blocks received’ + ‘gc cr blocks

served’+ ‘gc current blocks served’) * Block size)

+ ((‘gcs messages sent’ + ‘ges messages sent’ + ‘gcs msgs received’+ ‘gcs msgs

received’)*200)/1024/Elapsed Time



Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)


Buffer access – local cache %: 91.05
Buffer access – remote cache %: 0.03
Buffer access – disk %: 8.92




指标 指标说明
Buffer access – local cache % 数据块从本地缓存命中占会话总的数据库请求次数的比例。在OLTP应用中最希望的是尽可能维持这个比率较高,因为这是最低成本和最快速的获得数据库数据块的方法。计算公式:Local Cache Buffer Access Ratio = 1 – ( physical reads cache + Global Cache blocks received ) / Logical Reads
Buffer access – remote cache % 数据块从远程实例缓存命中占会话总的数据块请求的比例。在OLTP应用中这个比率和Buffer access – local cache的和应该尽可能的高因为这两种方法访问数据库数据块是最快速最低成本的。这个比率的计算方法:Remote Cache Buffer Access Ratio = Global Cache blocks received / Logical Reads
Buffer access – disk % 从磁盘上读数据块到缓存占会话总的数据块请求次数的比例。在OLTP应用中希望维持这个比例低因为物理读是最慢的访问数据库数据块的方式。这个比率计算方法:

1 – physical reads cache / Logical Reads




Global Cache and Enqueue Services – Workload Characteristics

Avg global enqueue get time (ms): 0.0
Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms): 0.3
Avg global cache current block receive time (ms): 0.2
Avg global cache cr block build time (ms): 0.0
Avg global cache cr block send time (ms): 0.0
Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %: 1.2
Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms): 1.8
Avg global cache current block pin time (ms): 1,021.7
Avg global cache current block send time (ms): 0.0
Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %: 6.9
Avg global cache current block flush time (ms): 0.9




指标 指标说明
Avg global enqueue get time (ms) 通过interconnect发送消息,为争夺资源开启一个新的全局队列或者对已经开启的队列转换访问模式所花费的时间。如果大于20ms,你的系统可能会出现超时。
Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms) 从请求实例发送消息到mastering instance(2-way get)和一些到holding instance (3-way get)花费的时间。这个时间包括在holding instance生成数据块一致性读映像的时间。CR数据块获取耗费的时间不应该大于15ms。
Avg global cache current block receive time (ms) 从请求实例发送消息到mastering instance(2-way get)和一些到holding instance (3-way get)花费的时间。这个时间包括holding instance日志刷新花费的时间。Current Block获取耗费的时间不大于30ms
Avg global cache cr block build time (ms) CR数据块创建耗费的时间
Avg global cache cr block send time (ms) CR数据块发送耗费的时间
Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served % 需要日志刷新的CR数据块占总的需要服务的CR数据块的比例。
Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms) CR数据块刷新耗费的时间
Avg global cache current block pin time (ms) Current数据块pin耗费的时间
Avg global cache current block send time (ms) Current数据块发送耗费的时间
Global cache log flushes for current blocks served % 需要日志刷新的Current数据块占总的需要服务的Current数据块的比例
Avg global cache current block flush time (ms) Current数据块刷新耗费的时间


Global Cache and Enqueue Services – Messaging Statistics


Avg message sent queue time (ms): 2,367.6
Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms): 0.1
Avg message received queue time (ms): 0.3
Avg GCS message process time (ms): 0.0
Avg GES message process time (ms): 0.0
% of direct sent messages: 54.00
% of indirect sent messages: 44.96
% of flow controlled messages: 1.03




指标 指标说明
Avg message sent queue time (ms) 一条信息进入队列到发送它的时间
Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms) 对端收到该信息并返回ACK的时间,这个指标很重要,直接反应了网络延迟,一般小于1ms
Avg message received queue time (ms) 一条信息进入队列到收到它的时间
Avg GCS message process time (ms)
Avg GES message process time (ms)
% of direct sent messages 直接发送信息占的比率
% of indirect sent messages 间接发送信息占的比率,一般是排序或大的信息,流控制也可能引起
% of flow controlled messages 流控制信息占的比率,流控制最常见的原因是网络状况不佳, % of flow

controlled messages应当小于1%



Wait Event Histogram


% of Waits
Event Total Waits <1ms <2ms <4ms <8ms <16ms <32ms <=1s >1s
ADR block file read 208 38.0 3.4 44.7 13.9
ADR block file write 40 100.0
ADR file lock 48 100.0
ARCH wait for archivelog lock 3 100.0
ASM file metadata operation 12.8K 99.7 .1 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0
Backup: MML write backup piece 310.5K 7.6 .1 .1 1.3 10.4 30.2 50.2 .0
CGS wait for IPC msg 141.7K 100.0
CSS initialization 34 50.0 47.1 2.9
CSS operation: action 110 48.2 20.9 28.2 2.7
CSS operation: query 102 88.2 3.9 7.8
DFS lock handle 6607 93.9 .5 .2 .0 .0 5.3 .0
Disk file operations I/O 1474 100.0
IPC send completion sync 21.9K 99.5 .1 .1 .1 .0 .2
KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete 13 100.0
LGWR wait for redo copy 16.3K 100.0 .0
Log archive I/O 3 33.3 66.7
PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT 2256 99.8 .1 .1
PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG 2124 99.9 .1 .0
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats 7997 94.6 .9 .9 2.5 .8 .4
PX Deq: Table Q qref 2355 99.9 .1
PX Deq: reap credit 1215.7K 100.0 .0 .0
PX qref latch 1366 100.0
Parameter File I/O 194 94.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 .5



Wait Event Histogram:等待时间直方图


Total Waits:该等待事件在快照时间内等待的次数

%of Waits < 1ms :小于1ms的等待次数

%of Waits < 2ms :小于2ms的等待次数

%of Waits < 4ms :小于4ms的等待次数

%of Waits < 8ms :小于8ms的等待次数

%of Waits < 16ms :小于16ms的等待次数

%of Waits < 32ms :小于32ms的等待次数

%of Waits < =1s :小于等于1s的等待次数

%of Waits > 1s :大于1s的等待次数


Parent Latch Statistics

  • only latches with sleeps are shown
  • ordered by name
Latch Name Get Requests Misses Sleeps Spin & Sleeps 1->3+
Real-time plan statistics latch 77,840 136 20 116/0/0/0
active checkpoint queue latch 321,023 20,528 77 20451/0/0/0
active service list 339,641 546 132 424/0/0/0
call allocation 328,283 550 148 440/0/0/0
enqueues 1,503,525 217 14 203/0/0/0
ksuosstats global area 2,605 1 1 0/0/0/0
messages 2,608,863 141,380 29 141351/0/0/0
name-service request queue 155,047 43 15 28/0/0/0
qmn task queue latch 2,368 90 78 12/0/0/0
query server process 268 30 30 0/0/0/0
redo writing 910,703 11,623 50 11573/0/0/0
resmgr:free threads list 14,454 190 4 186/0/0/0
space background task latch 11,209 15 7 8/0/0/0


Latch Name:闩名称

Get Requests:申请获得父闩的次数





Child Latch Statistics

  • only latches with sleeps/gets > 1/100000 are shown
  • ordered by name, gets desc
Latch Name Child Num Get Requests Misses Sleeps Spin & Sleeps 1->3+
KJC message pool free list 1 96,136 82 20 62/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 10 2,222 153 118 58/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 13 2,151 43 14 29/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 4 2,066 154 124 59/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 5 1,988 105 44 63/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 9 1,734 95 32 64/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 2 1,707 88 38 55/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 11 1,695 88 32 57/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 6 1,680 158 126 64/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 12 1,657 155 111 65/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 7 1,640 90 34 59/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 1 1,627 169 153 46/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 3 1,555 87 36 54/0/0/0
Lsod array latch 8 1,487 127 88 57/0/0/0
cache buffers chains 47418 354,313 391 4 387/0/0/0
cache buffers chains 8031 337,135 250 8 242/0/0/0
cache buffers chains 78358 305,022 528 9 519/0/0/0
cache buffers chains 6927 241,808 129 4 125/0/0/0

Latch Name:闩名称

Child Num:

Get Requests:



Spin&Sleeps 1->3+:



Dictionary Cache Stats (RAC)

Cache GES Requests GES Conflicts GES Releases
dc_awr_control 11 5 0
dc_global_oids 5 0 0
dc_histogram_defs 215 1 707
dc_objects 90 9 0
dc_segments 79 10 73
dc_sequences 35,738 37 0
dc_table_scns 6 0 0
dc_tablespace_quotas 907 77 0
dc_users 10 0 0
outstanding_alerts 576 288 0



GES Requests:

GES Conflicts:

GES Releases:




Library Cache Activity (RAC)

Namespace GES Lock Requests GES Pin Requests GES Pin Releases GES Inval Requests GES Invali- dations
ACCOUNT_STATUS 242 0 0 0 0
BODY 0 1,530,013 1,530,013 0 0
CLUSTER 74 74 74 0 0
DBLINK 246 0 0 0 0
EDITION 311 311 311 0 0
HINTSET OBJECT 186 186 186 0 0
INDEX 152,360 152,360 152,360 0 0
QUEUE 223 9,717 9,717 0 0
SCHEMA 255 0 0 0 0
SUBSCRIPTION 0 26 26 0 0
TABLE/PROCEDURE 275,215 3,023,083 3,023,083 0 0
TRIGGER 0 384,493 384,493 0 0


Namespace:library cache 的命名空间

GES Lock Requests:

GES Pin Requests:

GES Inval Requests:

GES Invali-dations:




Interconnect Ping Latency Stats

  • Ping latency of the roundtrip of a message from this instance to
  • target instances.
  • The target instance is identified by an instance number.
  • Average and standard deviation of ping latency is given in miliseconds
  • for message sizes of 500 bytes and 8K.
  • Note that latency of a message from the instance to itself is used as
  • control, since message latency can include wait for CPU
Target Instance 500B Ping Count Avg Latency 500B msg Stddev 500B msg 8K Ping Count Avg Latency 8K msg Stddev 8K msg
1 1,138 0.20 0.03 1,138 0.20 0.03
2 1,138 0.17 0.04 1,138 0.20 0.05
3 1,138 0.19 0.22 1,138 0.23 0.22
4 1,138 0.18 0.04 1,138 0.21 0.04


Target Instance:目标实例

500B Ping Count:

Avg Latency 500B msg:

Stddev 500B msg:

8K Ping Count:

Avg Latency 8K msg:

Stddev 8K msg:




Interconnect Throughput by Client

  • Throughput of interconnect usage by major consumers
  • All throughput numbers are megabytes per second
Used By Send Mbytes/sec Receive Mbytes/sec
Global Cache 0.10 0.20
Parallel Query 0.02 0.06
DB Locks 0.09 0.09
DB Streams 0.00 0.00
Other 0.02 0.01


Used By:主要消费者

Send Mbytes/sec:发送Mb/每秒

Receive Mbytes/sec:接收Mb/每秒



Interconnect Device Statistics

  • Throughput and errors of interconnect devices (at OS level)
  • All throughput numbers are megabytes per second
Device Name IP Address Public Source Send Mbytes/sec Send Errors Send Dropped Send Buffer Overrun Send Carrier Lost Receive Mbytes/sec Receive Errors Receive Dropped Receive Buffer Overrun Receive Frame Errors
bondib0 NO cluster_interconnects parameter 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0



Device Name:设备名称

IP Address:IP地址



Send Mbytes/sec:发送MB/每秒

Send Errors:发送错误

Send Dropped:

Send Buffer Overrun:

Send Carrier Lost:

Receive Mbytes/sec:

Receive Errors:

Receive Dropped:

Receive Buffer Overrun:

Receive Frame Errors:




Dynamic Remastering Stats

  • times are in seconds
  • Affinity objects – objects mastered due to affinity at begin/end snap
Name Total per Remaster Op Begin Snap End Snap
remaster ops 29 1.00
remastered objects 40 1.38
replayed locks received 1,990 68.62
replayed locks sent 877 30.24
resources cleaned 0 0.00
remaster time (s) 5.0 0.17
quiesce time (s) 1.7 0.06
freeze time (s) 0.6 0.02
cleanup time (s) 0.7 0.02
replay time (s) 0.2 0.01
fixwrite time (s) 1.3 0.04
sync time (s) 0.5 0.02
affinity objects 365 367





Per Remaster Op:

Begin Snap:

End Snap:






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