Oracle Database – Enterprise Edition – Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 30-Sep-2014***
The purpose of this troubleshooting article is to provide an insight into key areas of internal
600/7445 trace files to assist in deriving to a known bug or to highlight what might be needed
by ORACLE Support to progress an issue further. Whilst the article can be used to some
extent on 11g it is primarily written for versions <V10204 due to :-
a) The worked example is based on a bug fixed in V10204 and higher releases
b) The alert/trace file structure in 11g has changed
The article will make reference to other notes so that the traces for 11g can also
be proactively reviewed if wished.
The nature of Internal errors means no one approach can guarantee getting to a solution but again
the intention is to provide an indication on notes that support make available to customers and
a simple workflow process that assists for a vast majority of SRs. A simple example is illustrated
to generate a known bug that is harmless to the database when generated, that said it
should ONLY be used on a TEST database as it’s not encouraged to willingly raise such errors in
‘LIVE’ environments. This example will then be used to highlight various sections and how each
section can be useful for general 600/7445 analysis and again to provide the best chance of
identifying a known bugfix should one be available.
The article also makes links to a number of others for completeness including Note:232963.1
should a testcase be required as is the ideal case for all internal errors but understandably
is not always possible dependent on the problem area. Tests were made on SUN but the
bug is not platform specific, it may however show slightly different messages within the alert
log and for Windows based platforms some tools/notes might not be applicable. However this
does not distract from the primary aim of how a trace file can be analyzed.
An Internal Error whether ORA-00600 or ORA-07445 can fall into many categories :-
Issue reproducible and testcase can be provided
Issue reproducible but no simple testcase perhaps due to code being oracle SQL, 3rd party SQL
Issue not reproducible but persistent and formulates to some pattern e.g. once a day
Issue not reproducible and random pattern to occurrences
By definition if an issue is not reproducible at will in a customer environment a testcase may
be very difficult to obtain but should always be attempted where possible.
These are a simplified subset, depending on root cause there can be many 600/7445 errors.
Typically the argument(s) of the error when unique should mean each are different problems
but if occurring on same timestamp or one always soon follows another there might be some
relationship and this will be for support to determine.
Worked Example
A real life example will follow and a working methodology will then be provided. Conclusions
will then be made at the end of the analysis and some standard questions will be commented
on that should always be appropriate to analysis of Internal errors and perhaps any SR raised
into support. The bug number identified will be reported in a later section so as to show the
workflow/analysis methodology used without knowing the solution in advance. This article
is only suitable for <V10204 databases in terms of the testcase as the bug it relates to
if fixed in the V10204PSR and higher RDBMS versions. The article is still appropriate as an
introduction to analysis for 11g RDBMS and we will mention the main differences for when an internal error is seen in 11g. Due to the nature of Internal errors it is possible that the error
is reported differently between versions/PSRs/platforms making analysis more complex. The
example and trace results for this article came from V10201/64bitSUN but the same principles
apply to all.
sqlplus scott/tiger
drop table a;
drop table b;
create table A(col11 number, col12 number);
create table B(col21 number, col22 number);
insert into a values (-3,-7);
insert into a values (null,-1);
insert into b values ( -7,-3);
update a sET col11 =
(select avg(b.col22) keep (dense_rank first order by (col22)) FROM b where
b.col21= a.col12);
The UPDATE will fail at session level with ORA-03113 error. A trace file will also be written
to the UDUMP destination of the database and will now be highlighted, where appropriate
if a section can be found using keyword searches in the trace it will be mentioned.
Before any analysis of UDUMP/BDUMP traces take place there should be an understanding of
how the error(s) are reported in the alert log.
As this is a worked example we know what to expect in advance but the alert and an understanding
of what actions take place around an internal error can be fundamental to resolution. It is
certainly possible for internal errors to be a consequence of a problem rather than the cause.
Errors in file xxxx/xxxx_ora_24779.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [_memcpy()+592] [SIGSEGV]
[Address not mapped to object] [0xFFFFFFFF7B180000] [] []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kgh_heap_sizes:ds],
[0xFFFFFFFF7B179E98], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [_memcpy()+592] [SIGSEGV]
[Address not mapped to object] [0xFFFFFFFF7B180000] [] []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kghGetHpSz1], [0xFFFFFFFF7B179EA8]
The errors continue in the alert and as we can see >1 error is raised but all are reported
to be within the same tracefile.
There will be cases where >1 error and >1 trace exist but this is
beyond the scope of this ‘Introduction’.
Various sections of the trace are now reported based on this example, not all 600/7445 traces
will allow for each section to be reviewed. Again this is a very simple example and often a
combination of traces will need to be understood which is beyond the scope of this article.
Section 1 : Trace header information
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
ORACLE_HOME = xxxxxx
System name: SunOS
Node name: xxxxxx
Release: 5.8
Version: Generic_117350-38
Machine: sun4u
Instance name: xxxxx
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 15
Unix process pid: 24779, image: oracle@xxxxx (TNS V1-V3)
This section gives general information on the machine/instance and version of RDBMS where the internal error has been seen, whilst important its certainly does not really contain much to narrow bug searches as this info is customer/machine specific where as a bug itself
should really hold information generic to all customers.
Section 2 : The 600 or 7445 internal error
*** SESSION ID:(143.5) 2006-07-18 10:45:03.004
Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0xffffffff7b280000,
PC: [0xffffffff7b700b58, memcpy()+1196]
*** 2006-07-18 10:45:03.008
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [memcpy()+1196] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object]
[0xFFFFFFFF7B280000] [] []
This article is not written to show the differences between ORA-00600/ORA-07445 errors in any detail.
The basic difference between these two errors, is that
an ORA-600 is a trapped error condition in the Oracle code that should not occur, whereasan ORA-7445 is an untrapped
error condition detected by the operating system.
Section 3 : Current SQL statement
Current SQL statement for this session:
update a sET col11 =
(select avg(b.col22) keep (dense_rank first order by (col22)) FROM b where b.col21= a.col12);
Not all internal issues will show a current SQL statement and there is no simple reason why this is the case. If this does happen it is recommended to try and use all other sections to narrow the search space down. When present in an internal (600/7445) trace file it should always be locatable using a search in the trace file of 'Current SQL' and should be the first hit found.
In addition there maybe a 'PLSQL Call Stack' that pinpoints the schema.object and line number for an internal issue.
Section 4 : Call Stack Trace
The call stack within the trace file is seen
as follows :-
----- Call Stack Trace -----
calling call entry argument values in hex
location type point (? means dubious value)
-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
ksedmp()+744 CALL ksedst() 000000840 ?
000000000 ?
ssexhd()+1000 CALL ksedmp() 000106000 ? 106324A04 ?
106324000 ? 000106324 ?
000106000 ? 106324A04 ?
sigacthandler()+44 PTR_CALL 0000000000000000 000380007 ?
000000067 ? 000380000 ?
00000000B ? 106324A00 ?
_memcpy()+592 PTR_CALL 0000000000000000 00000000B ?
000000004 ? 000000000 ?
ksxb1bqb()+36 FRM_LESS __1cY__nis_writeCol FFFFFFFF7B2F0000 ?
dStartFile6FpcpnNdi FFFFFFFF7B35EE90 ?
rectory_obj__i_()+3 FFFFFFFFFFFE6DA0 ?
000000004 ? 000000000 ?
kxhrPack()+1088 CALL ksxb1bqb() FFFFFFFF7B0F7220 ?
000001FF0 ?
qescaInsert()+280 CALL kxhrPack() 000000080 ?
The stack function is the first column on each line, and so reads:
ksedmp ssexhd sigacthandler memcpy ksxb1bqb .....
For clarity the full stack trace is summarised to :-
Function List (to Full stack) (to Summary stack)
ksedmp ssexhd sigacthandler memcpy ksxb1bqb kxhrPack
qescaInsert subsr3 evaopn2 upderh upduaw kdusru
kauupd updrow qerupRowProcedure qerupFetch updaul updThreePhaseExe
updexe opiexe kpoal8 opiodr ttcpip opitsk opiino opiodr opidrv
sou2o opimai_real main start
There is no automated tool for customers to get into this
form. Note:211909.1 reports a further example
of ORA-7445 stack analysis.
The call stack can be very powerful to narrow a problem down to known issues
but if used incorrectly will generate many hits totally unrelated to the
problem being encountered.
As the functions and their purpose are ORACLE proprietry this article can only give pointers towards good practice and these include :-
a) Ignore function names that are before the 600/7445 error so for this worked example searches on 'ksedmp','ssexhd' or 'sigacthandler' will not benefit.
The top most routines are for error handling, so this is
why the failing function 'memcpy()' is not at the top of
the stack, and why the top most functions can be ignored.
b) Ignore calls towards the end of the call stack
c) Try a number of different searches based on the failing function from the 600/7445 and 4-5 functions after
In this case a useful 'My ORACLE Support' (MOS) search would be : memcpy ksxb1bqb kxhrPack qescaInsert subsr3
Section 5 : Session Information
SO: 392b5a188, type: 4, owner: 392a5a5b8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(session) sid: 143 trans: 3912d2f78, creator: 392a5a5b8, flag: (41) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-
DID: 0001-000F-0000000F, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000
txn branch: 0
oct: 6, prv: 0, sql: 38d8c05b0, psql: 38d8c0b20, user: 173/SCOTT
O/S info: user: xxxxxx, term: pts/21, ospid: 24482, machine: xxxxxx
program: sqlplus@xxxxxx (TNS V1-V3)
application name: SQL*Plus, hash value=3669949024
last wait for 'SQL*Net message from client' blocking sess=0x0 seq=282 wait_time=830 seconds since wait started=1
A 600/7445 trace should always have a 'Call stack Trace' whether it contains function names or not, after this follows 'PROCESS STATE' information and in this we can search on keyword 'session'.
The first hit should take us to the section of the trace file that shows where the error came from and the session/user affected (above they have been blanked to xxxxxx). In many cases we will see user, terminal and machine information that can often be useful for any issue that needs to be reproduced for further investigation. On many occasions an internal error will be reported in alert logs and the DBA will not necessarily have been informed by any users of the database/application that they encountered a problem.
This section can often also show 3rd party sessions e.g. TOAD/PLSQL or even where the client is another ORACLE product e.g. FORMS/APPS and even if just a client process e.g. EXP/RMAN. This can be another powerful method of narrowing a problem down, in the case of a problem coming from 3rd party software it is important to determine wherever possible if an issue can be reproduced in SQLPLUS.
Section 6 : Explain Plan Information
Plan Table
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost | Time |
| 0 | UPDATE STATEMENT | | | | 3 | |
| 1 | UPDATE | A | | | | |
| 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | A | 2 | 52 | 3 | 00:00:01 |
| 3 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 26 | | |
| 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | B | 1 | 26 | 3 | 00:00:01 |
This section can be found in the 600/7445 trace (when present) using the case
sensitive search 'Explain plan' and will be the first hit unless the SQL for
example contained the same string.
In this section the 'Plan Table' for the failing SQL will be reported and
especially for CBO related internal errors might give a pointer to finding
a workaround. For this worked example nothing really can be used but we might
for example see the plan using a 'hash join' and if so a possible w/a to
try would be hash_join_enabled=false. Caution should be used here, permanent
workarounds should only be set in place if matching to a known bug and the
implications are understood.
Section 7 : Current Cursor Information
Current cursor: 4, pgadep: 0
Open cursors(pls, sys, hwm, max): 11(3, 7, 50, 50)
Cached frame pages(total, free):
4k(61, 58), 8k(10, 10), 16k(1, 1), 32k(0, 0)
pgactx: 38d2c9e98 ctxcbk: 38d2c9b30 ctxqbc: 0 ctxrws: 38e751110
This can be found using the case sensitive search in the trace file for 'Current cursor:' [do not include the quotes], this section will either tie up with the current SQL statement reported in the 600/7445 or when there is no SQL statement reported it 'might' assist in further analysis.
Once the current cursor is known the information on this can be found using the search 'Cursor#X' where X is the value shown e.g in this case 4.
However this is >=10.2 specific
and so it should be noted that prior to 10.2
use the search 'Cursor X '.
Cursor#4(ffffffff7b231828) state=BOUND curiob=ffffffff7b2456f8
curflg=4c fl2=0 par=0 ses=392b5a188
sqltxt(38d8c05b0)=update a sET col11 =
(select avg(b.col22) keep (dense_rank first order by (col22)) FROM b where b.col21= a.col12)
parent=38eabc4b8 maxchild=01 plk=38f664f50 ppn=nll
If a SQL statement is using BIND variables it is the cursor information that often proves useful at isolating the values used in the SQL which again can be the key to reproducing a problem if data specific.
ORA-00600/ORA-07445 Analysis : General Guidelines
Now that the sections have been explained we need to ensure we use as systematic a procedure as possible to determine if a known issue/bug exists. It should be clear that a 600/7445 trace contains far more information but if the above sections together with what follows cannot conclude to a known issue it is recommended that a SR is raised to support.
Three useful documents types can assist here :-
OERI notes
An 'OERI' article is a document provided where possible to customers that provides a brief meaning of the error/impact and known bugs relating to the 600/7445. The quickest way to find this information from MOS is to search as :
a) 7445 <1st argument> oeri
b) 600 <1st argument> oeri
So if the internal error was 600[12333] the search is:600 12333 oeri
So for this article and worked example the search would be : 7445 memcpy oeri
Equally the 600/7445 tool as per Note:153788.1 can be used and if the trace file is submitted into this tool an OERI note will be reported where published. If the testcase is attempted on a WINDOWS platform the error reported in the alert and trace may not be the same and the tool might not return any hits. Finding a suitable example for all platforms is beyond the scope of this document.
So for the latter search we should find Note:310531.1, it should be noted that not all bugs associated with an error will be tagged but ideally they would be.
It should also be clear from the notes seen in this type of search that ORA-600[x]/7445[y] does not mean only one bug can attribute to the Internal error.
BUG.8 notes
If the OERI or if a search gets a hit to a bug there maybe a link to a note where the MOS Noteid is <BUGNO>.8
For this worked example Note:5162852.8 exists, also to illustrate their purpose we can take for example Note:4451759.8
These articles are automatically generated when a bug becomes fixed and will typically include :-
--Product affected
--Range of releases the bug/error is believe appropriate to
--Known affected version(s)
--Fixed version
Together with the 'symptoms' of the bug and where possible workarounds. This information is also in the bug itself but the note provides this into a much clearer form.
Patch Set : List of Bugfixes by Problem Type Articles
When a PSR is released ORACLE ensures there is an article that summarises all the bugfixes made into that PSR, this articles allows a quick search to customers to see if there is an ORA-600/ORA-7445 error of the same type in the PSR. As mentioned earlier in the OERI section just because there is a fix for the same type, it does not guarantee that the problem is the same.
For example if one of these PSR notes mentions ORA-00600[729] it means that the fix relates to one specifc way this error can be encountered, it does not stop 600[729] occurring for other reasons and even with the latest PSR applied to a given RDBMS release the internal error could occur due to a new unknown bug.
These documents can be found in MOS using a search with keywords like :-
<version> patch set bug fixes problem type
So if we are looking to see what fixes are made into the V92070 PSR we would use
the six keywords : patch set bug fixes problem type
MOS will produce many hits but then the internet browsers search function can be used to search on the string '' to quickly isolate the note which in this case is Note:308894.1
It is recommended to search always on the highest PSR available for the version you are running on since the note will then also contain links to the previous PSRs.
ORA-00600/ORA-07445 Analysis : Keyword Searches
This is the stage of the article where we need to use the research gathered from trace files and known MOS notes to see if we can use the MOS knowledge base to determine if the internal error is a known bug. It was commented that Section4 of a trace file can be very powerful here but again it is impossible to provide one unique way to search the knowledge bases. Instead we will use the worked example and will give some recommendations for 'bad' and 'good' search practices.
Bad Searches Practices
a) Using first few calls of stack trace e.g ksedmp ssexhd sigacthandler memcpy
b) Use of MOS 'Advanced Search' and using the 'using any of the words' option
The reason this is a poor search method is that it is likely too many hits will be returned especially if keywords like 600/7445 are used. The default search functionality is an AND base search where all keywords must be present and this provides for better searches and fewer unrelated hits.
c) Using all of the stack trace. As explained above a default MOS search will find hits that contain all the keywords and using the whole stack allows a real risk of getting zero hits returned.
Good Searches Practices
It should be noted that more than one search might actually be needed to get a feeling for what bugs/notes are relevant to the customers issue. The scope of what can be searched will depend on if a problem is reproducible.
a) Isolating a good section of the 'Call Stack' from Section4
b) If SQL is known then look at SQL to see if there is something special on the SQL e.g for this worked example we know dense_rank is being used and this is not common SQL
c) If a problem is reproducible and an explain plan is available look at the plan to see if there is something that can be changed at session level. An example was reported in Section6 and if a parameter is seen to make a query work this parameter can then become a very useful keyword for determining if a known bug exists.
d) Using the RDBMS version as keyword can sometimes show if any bugs exist that contain a oneoff fix for the same internal error argument but caution is needed as it is not a guarantee that the bug will cover the same cause.
With this information in mind the two searches :-
memcpy ksxb1bqb kxhrPack qescaInsert subsr3
memcpy dense_rank
both get very few bug hits and BUG:5162852 is quickly identified.
Worked Example for 11g
The general principles of internal 600/7445 error analysis holds
true for 11g but there are some differences in how traces get reported.
To illustrate Note.808071.1 provides an excellent testcase to reproduce
the error ORA-00600[16613]. As stated already if there is a desire to
reproduce this error so that the alert/trace can be looked at in a proactive
manner then it should ONLY be used on a TEST database.
The example will not be reported in the same detail but instead we can use
it to highlight the key differences.
After the error has been reproduced we need to look at the alert log which
can be located via :-
show parameter dump_dest
background_dump_dest string c:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace
core_dump_dest string c:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\cdump
user_dump_dest string c:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace
It is the background and user destinations for the ‘trace’ directory that we will
need to look.
Tue Nov 15 09:33:59 2011
Errors in file c:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3896.trc (incident=74841):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16613], [0x37D727F8], [2], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in: c:\app\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_74841\orcl_ora_3896_i74841.trc
For more details on how critical/internal errors are reported within 11g Note.443536.1
can be used. For further analysis of the ORA-00600 we are interested in the ‘Incident Trace’
and the full path to this file is still provided by the alert log. Such traces can also
be located via ‘ADRCI’ but is beyond the scope of this article.
If we look at the appropriate incident trace file we will see very similar traces to
the 10.2 example and the same analytical approach to these traces can be followed.
To provide 11g files to support it is vital to provide the appropriate incident traces
and Note.443529.1/Note.411.1 can be reviewed but again is outside of the scope
of how to try and diagnose the internal error itself.
ORA-00600/ORA-07445 Analysis : Key Questions
If trying to research an Internal error before raising a SR to ORACLE Support the following
questions will help avoid further questions from analysts. These questions are asked in the
MOS template when raising a SR and if answered as clearly as possible this can greatly assist
in getting to a solution.
Is the error reproducible?
If an issue is reproducible where possible it should also be tested from SQLPLUS
(ref Section 5). It is possible that a known bug/new bug might only occur on JDBC
based clients for example and time needs to be spent understanding the minimum
configuration needed to reproduce a problem.
If an issue is indeed reproducible in a controlled manner a testcase for the majority
of issues should be possible and if a SR or pre-analysis is not matched to a known bug
very rarely can a problem be fixed from a trace file alone. For this reason please be
aware of Note:232963.1
Has this worked before?
If functionality that was working has just stopped it would tend to suggest either some
issue of data within one or more objects or some more significant change. If a 600/7445
is seen within Development particularly on higher PSRs/releases it could well be that
you have found a new bug. Again depending on reproducibility a testcase ideally would
be required.
Has any new change been made recently e.g new code/new PSR or DB version/higher DB load?
Rarely do 600/7445 errors just start to occur due to a database being open for a certain
amount of time. Even a small change of init/spfile parameters can influence how the database operates
so if any change is known it is better to mention asap no matter how small.
What is frequency of the error, when did it start?
On many occasions a 600/7445 will be seen as a oneoff and not to be seen again. If pre-analysis
cannot be matched to a known issue and if in any doubt about an error a SR should always
be raised. It is however necessary to be aware that if the error is a oneoff or sporadic there is a
tradeoff between impact of error and further analysis, as covered below.
On other occasions we might see the error on the hour or some consistent period of time, in
these cases root cause might be some job that runs or linked to an ORACLE process that
gets invoked at certain times. Finding some pattern can sometimes be vital to solving an issue
and knowing when an issue truly started is very important to analysis.
What is the known visible impact?
Of course any 600/7445 [or any issue for all product support] should be raised as a SR to
ORACLE if there is any concern. Sometimes an Internal errors impact is very clear in that
we might see an error in a controlled manner only when a session logsoff the database or the
database closes down. It is equally possible that a database may seem to be running stable
with no users reporting problems and only by proactively looking at the alert can errors be seen.
In all cases if a SR is raised to Support we will need to try and assess the impact of a given
error and to make a confirmation asap if linked to something serious within the database eg corruption.
In many cases of analysis there soon becomes a tradeoff between seeing the error in the alert
and the further diagnostics needed to try and get to the root cause. For this reason if an error
is a oneoff or very infrequent and determined not to visibly affect users a decision may need to
be made on how far to go especially if running on a desupported release or not on the latest PSR.
The above questions relate to Support asking this information from the customer, one of the key questions asked by customers to Support is :-
‘Why am I being asked to go to the latest PSR when a bug has not been identified?’
The primary answers for this are twofold :-
a) Note:209768.1 explains the backport policy for new bugs. So if Support could not match analysis to a known issue, a new bug can be filed. Sometimes Development can release ‘diagnostics patches’ to better analyze new issue but it’s recommended to use it on latest patchset. Also if on older PSRs it is far more likely for the customer to be running with >1 ‘oneoff’ fix placing the customer into a configuration that is probably not seen with many other customers.
b) Perhaps more importantly each PSR contains many fixes and can solve many issues without
Support being able to determine why. For this reason the latest PSR is seen as a statistically faster
option to solve a problem when an error cannot be matched to a known bug.
Of course if considering the latest PSR appropriate backups and testing need to be made in advance.
Summary and Conclusions
The article can be summarised into key sections :-
1. Most importantly always raise a SR if anything is unclear
2. Consider the ORA600/7445 tool : Note:153788.1
3. Make use of the key articles surrounding internal errors ie OERI notes and BUGTAGS
4. Understand basic trace information to be able to use MOS better for ‘efficient’ searching
5. If a SR is to be be raised provide as much information as possible based on the MOS
template questions as these will often be vital to solving the SR.
In conclusion 600/7445 errors are not hopefully a common event to be seen by DBA’s and
analysis of these errors is not something that would be expected by themselves. However it is often of
interest to many customers as to what is looked at within support and how we make a formal analysis.
Therefore the articles purpose is to highlight some of these processes with the hope that some
self analysis can be made and to assist customer/support interaction on these issues.
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