ORA-00201 ORA-00202 ORA-00206 ORA-00210控制文件错误解析

[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 201
00201, 00000, “control file version %s incompatible with ORACLE version %s”
// *Cause: The control file was created by incompatible software.
// *Action: Either restart with a compatible software release or use
// CREATE CONTROLFILE to create a new control file that is
// compatible with this release.





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ORA-00201错误可能是 COMPATIBLE参数设置错误,关于COMPATIBLE参数 :

COMPATIBLE参数指定了Oracle会写出怎样的内容到磁盘上,当我们以较低的COMPATIBLE值创建数据库时,Oracle不会采用最新的重做日志格式,Oracle不会采用新版本中的数据文件格式;我们在使用Oracle 10g,如果我们设置compatible为”9.2.0″,那么Oracle创建的数据文件不会同实际9ir2版本中的有什么不同。通过这种配置,您仍可以利用10g软件中的各种特性和优化特性,compatible参数不会影响到它们!

FROM https://www.askmac.cn/archives/different-between-parameter-compatible-and-optimizer_features_enable.html


注意 对于不同版本的ORACLE Software创建出的数据库的COMPATIBLE最小值:


  • For 11.2, the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter is 11.2.0. The minimum value is 10.0.0.
  • For 11.1, the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter is 11.1.0. The minimum value is 10.0.0.
  • For 10.2, the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter is 10.2.0. The minimum value is 9.2.0.
  • For 10.1, the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter is 10.0.0. The minimum value is 9.2.0.
  • For 9.2, the default value of the COMPATIBLE parameter is 8.1.0. The range of values is between 8.1.0 to the current release.



ORA-00206: error in writing (block 3, # blocks 1) of control file
ORA-00202: control file: ‘/h24oradat/ccdb_dbs/shccdb/shccdb/control01.ctl’
ORA-27072: File I/O error
IBM AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 5: I/O error
Additional information: 8
Additional information: 3


[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 206
00206, 00000, “error in writing (block %s, # blocks %s) of control file”
// *Cause: A disk I/O failure was detected on writing the control file.
// *Action: Check if the disk is online, if it is not, bring it online and try
// a warm start again. If it is online, then you need to
// recover the disk.



[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 27072
27072, 00000, “File I/O error”
// *Cause: read/write/readv/writev system call returned error, additional
// information indicates starting block number of I/O
// *Action: check errno



[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 202
00202, 00000, “control file: ‘%s’”
// *Cause: This message reports the name file involved in other messages.
// *Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.

[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 210
00210, 00000, “cannot open the specified control file”
// *Cause: Cannot open the control file.
// *Action: Check to make sure the control file exists and is not locked by
// some other program.


[oracle@mlab2 ~]$ oerr ora 221
00221, 00000, “error on write to control file”
// *Cause: An error occurred when writing to one or more of the control files.
// *Action: See accompanying messages.

以上错误实例是 访问控制文件时出现AIX I/O error导致访问失败。





  • 发生在控制文件中的块损坏
  • ORA-00207 “control files are not for the same database“
  • ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kccpb_sanity_check_2]
  • ora-00221
  • ora-00210










One response to “ORA-00201 ORA-00202 ORA-00206 ORA-00210控制文件错误解析”

  1. Ask_Maclean_liu_Oracle Avatar

    The OS crashed and at the time two instances were running.After correcting the OS issue then you try to start the instance(s) and upon mounting the database you receive the following errors:ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in controlfile: (block %s, # blocks %s) Cause: A block header corruption or checksum error was detected on reading the controlfile. Action: Use the CREATE CONTROLFILE or RECOVER DATABASE USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE command. ORA-00202: control file: Cause: This message reports the name of the file involved in other messages.Action: See the associated messages for a description of the problem .CAUSEThe controlfile is corrupted.SOLUTIONTry to use one of the mirrored copies of the control file. You should have mirrored images of your control file. Oracle recommends at least 2 mirrored copies. Their locations should be listed in your “init.ora” file Try using one of these mirrored control files to enable you to bring up the database by copying one of them over the bad one. OR Comment out the bad control file from the “control_files” parameter in your “init.ora” file and try bringing up the database with one of your mirrored control files. If the above doesn’t work, then all control files are corrupt and you must create a new control file. Take a backup of the control files from the last backup and follow steps below to recreate a good control file.Option 1The alert log should identify which control file it is trying to use.See error ora-202. (Note this control1).Make a backup of control files as they are now.cp controlfiles controlfile.bkTake one of the other control files and copy over the bad control file noted above.If this doesn’t works then proceed to the next step.Option 2Comment the bad control file from the control_files parameter.In the init.oracontrol_files = comment out the one listed in alert log from ora-202Try startup instancesIf you receive the same error as previously with the name of the control file changed to controlfile2, then go to the next option.Option 3Perform the following steps Shutdown immediateStartup nomount pfile=”put here the pfile”Alter database mount;Shutdown. Check for trace filesEither in user_dump_dest = trace file with latest time stamp or background_dump_destthe file name should be : ora<…>.trc this should containg a script to recreate the controlfilesave file as control.sqlEdit file to start with : STARTUP MOUNTcheck ORACLE_SID (should be the correct one)Perform the following stepsConnect SYS/ AS [email protected] once executed, you will have the message Completed Database Open IF ALL the controlfile copies are corrupted, you will need to create a new controlfile to be able to startup your database

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